The Destroyer of All Pleasures

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If I told you that you'd die tomorrow, what would go through your mind?

After death, what do you think most of mankind will find?

Will you panic and fret, thinking about all your missed prayers?

And the mountains of sins, indeed these are thoughts many would share.

Perhaps you will find that everything is meaningless to you?

And now the cost of your deeds is due.

Would you choose to come back for even one hour, one minute or one second?

But no soul shall be delayed, it's time is decreed, all will follow when death beckons.

Death is the start of the reckoning.

Alone in a dark cold grave, unsettling.

It crushes your body until your bones begin to cave

Had you been among the righteous, then from this you'd be saved

Alas the end is indeed the beginning.

The frightening faces the sinner sees will be chilling.

His boys, blast his favourite song at his funeral because they're his day ones.

'Relax' they used to say, don't be a kill joy this will be fun.

Then what is the recompense of the heart that perished upon haram?

Can the seeds of sin bare anything, except destruction on this farm?

Cultivated delusion.

From the truth your heart remains in seclusion.

Lost in the illusion.

Addicted to the confusion.

It's not too late to give up the life of heedless leisure.

So remember death often, the destroyer of all pleasures...

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