Desperation Or Bravery?

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Time - 09/20/1943, 16:32
Area - Norwegisch Thermonuklear Forschungseinrichtung

With the morale of the engineers sky-high. The engineers will set about making something new, devastating and terrifying, something not even America could hope to create successfully. A fully-functional nuclear bomb.

After the meeting. Some of the engineers got up, and they promptly announced that they will travel to Berlin soon to tell of the nuclear project to the Führer himself, and convince him of allowing the extraction of Balkan, Norwegian and French resources to fuel this difficult project.

If the Führer ever gives his approval of the project and allows the resources to be diverted to the project, it will bring about a decisive yet deadly end to the war.

A man turned red in horror, his jaw dropping at that announcement. The other engineers stared at him silently, before one asked to him in a suspicious voice, "Sind Sie nicht stolz auf die Möglichkeit zu gewinnen? Viele mögen sterben, wenn die Bombe eingesetzt werden soll, aber sie wird so viel mehr retten. Hans, bist du überhaupt Deutscher? Ich kann das nicht glauben.. Ich werde Hartman davon erzählen, schließlich verdient er es nicht, mit einem schwachen Verräter befreundet zu sein." (Are you not proud of the possibility of winning? Many may die if the bomb is to be used, but it will save so much more... Hans.. are you even German? I cannot believe this... I shall tell Hartman of this, after all, he doesn't deserve to be friends with a weak traitor.)

'Hans' looked on in horror, they were suspicious of him now, or at least seemed to be. He'd been so discreet and integrated, he had learnt German up to a near-native level and practiced for months to earn this profession, with his sole goal to reduce Allied casualties in the war.. Yet all of that was at stake now, his very own life was at stake.

'Hans', without taking a moment to think, pulled out his M1911, shouting at them, "Wenn du irgendjemandem davon erzählst, werde ich dich sofort erschießen!" (If you will tell anyone of this, I will shoot you right this instant!)

An SS guard heard of the commotion, he knocked on the door, no response. He could hear that there was shouting and threats behind the door. The guard knew that this was a state of emergency, so he kicked down the door, and saw a man with a pistol. The SS guard stared at 'Hans' for a second, before pulling out his MP-34 and shooting 'Hans' in the chest, his blood flowing out of the bullet hole, and onto the ground. 'Hans' slowly collapsed onto the ground with a thud, dying infront of their eyes, neither side being able to say even a goodbye.

A particular engineer, the one we had seen before, was absolutely horrified at this.

"Akil. Geht es dir gut?" (Akil. Are you alright?)
"Ja, danke" (Yes, thanks.)


Time - 09/20/1943, 16:20
Area - Stalingrad City

A German Panther drives down a barren and broken road. It's various cracks and holes made by the weights of tanks, or the payload from bombers in the sky. The tanker sighs, he felt scared, terrified even. Germany was going to lose this war, he felt it.

He lowered his head in sadness, thinking of the possibility of death. He didn't want to be here, he was barely even 18 yet, his life and hopes had just began, and this war killed it in an instant. The tanker was interrupted, a familiar voice had broken the silence.

"Friedrich, du hast aufgehört, den Panzer zu fahren. Bist du müde?" (Frederick, you stopped driving the tank. Are you tired?)

Friedrich turned his head slowly towards the man. "Nein, Thomas. Ich überlege nur." (No, Thomas. I'm just thinking.)

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