Atoms Are The Answers

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Time - 09/20/1943, 15:00
Area: Norwegisch Thermonuklear Forschungseinrichtung

A young man marched slowly and calmly around the facility, the smooth concrete beneath him made a distracting noise, as he watched and heard the scientists and engineers developing, discussing and creating brand new deadly weapons to fuel their "holy" war against Europe.

Though this facility was not an ordinary one, it was a secret research lab on Nazi-occupied Norway, specifically designed for the researching, development and testing of nuclear weapons and devices.

He was looking around, admiring the spacious and organized environment before he bumped into something. He was knocked onto the ground, and before he could recover, he heard a stern and commanding voice shouting at him, "Halt. Achtung, dies ist strengstens verboten, geben sie ihren Personalausweis und ihre Forschungsstufenkarte vor." (Stop. Attention this is strictly forbidden, present your identity card and your research level card.)

The man got up from the ground, now slightly dirty and confused, he looked up to see an SS guard staring right at him. "Jawohl." (Yes sir) The man said respectfully, before searching his pockets and collecting his ID card and research level card and handing it over.

The SS guard was inspecting both cards for any clear inconsistencies within the cards. Though there was no clear issues with the cards, the SS guard handed the cards back before sidestepping so the man can keep continuing to his destination.

The man sighed in disappointment. He knew that nuclear research was barely underway, Hitler has not the enthusiasm to let the scientists develop it, and all of the Jewish-German scientists and researchers like Albert Einstein and Otto Loewi were harassed and eventually escaped to the USA or to the neutral nations, leading to a massive drain in intelligence for Germany, whilst the Jewish-German scientists aided the USA.

The man continued walking attentively, trying to find the area he wanted to go to, 'Why did this war have to even happen?... I just want my family to be safe and secure, but the Führer wanted a Großdeutschland, now the world hates us Germans for our expansionism..'

He continued walking until he found a room with a sign on it, "Besprechungsraum Zwei"

'Perfect, just the place I was looking for.'

The man checked his watch, '15:42, and the meeting starts at 50.' He then put his hand over the sign and reading the text before lightly pushing the door open. Peeking through, he saw a few engineers sitting down on some of the seats in the room, though much of the seats were still empty.

The man entered the room, the engineers greeted him with kindness, before gesturing for him to sit down on one of the seats.

The man patiently waited for the others, staring at his watch for most of the time, awaiting for the others to arrive. And so he waited and waited, until finally it hit 15:50 and all the seats were filled.

The lead engineer stood up from his seat, "Nun, lass uns dieses Treffen beginnen. Sollen wir?" (Well let's start this meeting. Shall we?)

Many other engineers muttered "Ja", or "Jawohl" in response quietly. The lead engineer smiled, "Wir alle kennen das Nuclear Explosive Device Project bereits, also überspringe ich die Details einfach. Nun soll die Kernspaltung genutzt werden, um einen Massenkettenreaktionseffekt zu erzeugen. Jetzt benötigen wir möglicherweise ein spezielles Element mit einem einzigartigen Isotop, Uran 235 oder Plutonium, eine daraus hergestellte Kugel und einen Manipulator, um es effizient zu machen. Verstehst du alle?"
(We all already know the Nuclear Explosive Device Project, so I'll just skip the details. Now, it stated for nuclear fission to be utilized in order to create a mass chain-reaction effect. Now we may require a special element with a unique isotope, Uranium 235, or plutonium instead, one bullet made of it and a tamper to make it efficient. Do you all understand?)

Some engineers discussed for a minute, before turning to the lead engineer and shouting "Jawohl!" in an excited unison.

The meeting went on and on, with many details shared and information gathered. And all of the engineers set about developing their own nuclear bomb. It will be difficult, but they will be able to scare the Soviets into submission by targeting Moscow or Stalingrad and pacifying yet another front, hopefully even forcing a surrender onto them.

Perhaps they will build a large strategic bomber and send this to London instead, forcing the UK to surrender before they can begin their invasion in Pas-de-Calais, freeing up needed manpower and machinery to reinstate Mussolini in power, and push the Allies back into the sea.

The lead engineer cleared his throat before announcing in a commanding voice, "Dann muss es gemacht werden." (Then it must be done.) The power of the Sun will befall the enemies of the Reich, no more will the German people ever suffer and be humiliated again.

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