Ch. 7

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As everyone settles down for sleep, Shadow, Aurora, and Nike whisper together.

“Sister, what’s wrong?” Shadow sighs as he collapses next to her, his muzzle resting on his paws. “You’ve had this look in your eyes since that human gave you food earlier and asked you something.”

Aurora nips his ear as she lays next to him, “Don’t be rude, you know his name.”

The corner of Nike’s lips lift at the couple, but a sad tint remains in her eyes that stare in the general area of the mates. “You heard him. Even he thinks I’m weird.” She whispers sadly.

Without lifting his head, Shadow whispers, “No he doesn’t. He just doesn’t understand your way of life.”

“Same thing. Every human has promised me that they could make my life better or that they won’t judge me for how I’ve survived. In the end, all they’ve ever wanted was to use me for their own benefit. Like the King of Bonclay when he shoved me in that cage after I saved his son.” Nike replies defeatedly.

“These guys aren’t the same.” Aurora tries to comfort her.

Laughing angrily, the girl shakes her head. “They aren’t the same. Yeah, right. All they want is to heal their mother and then leave or trap me. It’s not like they’ve tried to hide it.”

Aurora suddenly sits up and licks Nike’s cheek. “I know it hurts, but crying about it won’t help.”

“You would cry too if you were suddenly a lone wolf forced out by your parents as pup.” She bites back bitterly.

“YOU ARE NOT A LONE WOLF!” Shadow growls angrily. “You have us.”

Still weeping, Nike whispers, “Why did they abandon me? Why would he throw me against a tree blinding me? Why would he hate me? I was just 3! Is magic really that bad?”

Sadly, Shadow pushes his muzzle onto her lap, hoping to distract her mind from all of its negative thoughts. The girl, still lost in her own history, absentmindedly rubs her hand back and forth on her brother’s fur as Aurora tenderly licks the tears away.

Oliver, who was still awake, listened to Nike’s side of the conversation sadly. His thoughts went back to all he’d learned about the mysterious girl who saved his life more than once.

A girl who was thrown out by her parents just for having magic, then her own father made her blind, and when she helped save the prince of an entire country, she was punished for it. No wonder she had no trust for humans.  Doubtful anyone but the wolves have ever kept a promise to her, he makes a quiet promise in his heart, to protect this woman himself when she visits his kingdom.

“Shadow. Do you think that I should help them?” Nike asks all of a sudden. “If I do, then I won’t get used to having them travel with us, which would definitely be better for me.”

“That’s your own decision. It wouldn’t be too bad to have a bit more human interaction before then.” Shadow replies.

Her own thoughts come flowing forth as talking to her brother loosens her inhibitions. “Brother, I can’t. More human interaction will just hurt more when they leave me. I can’t let them in. My own dad couldn’t stand me, why should they?”

A low growl comes from Shadow, “Stop it. Our father loved you more than anything.”

“Dad wasn’t human.” Nike spits.

His growl grows louder, “Stop disrespecting our dad!”

Yet another tear drips from her eyes, “I’m not trying to disrespect dad. He may have raised me, but he wasn’t human. There hasn’t been a single human who didn’t want me to die.”

Whimpering sadly, the wolf nuzzles farther into her, trying to comfort his sister. Meanwhile, his mate cuddles her body into him to comfort the odd sibling pair.

“You know, sometimes I think they’re right. That’s why I refuse to heal my eyes. I don’t want to see it. The hate in their eyes and the intent to kill. It would be too much.” She finally confesses.

“Don’t let them have that much power over you. You are perfect. Magic or no magic. Raised by wolves or raised by humans. You deserve to live a life full of love for everything you’ve done and everyone you’ve saved.” Aurora whispers as Nike pets Shadow unconsciously.

“Life doesn’t give you what you deserve. It’s an unfair place without any real rules for someone like me. You guys are the only ones who will ever love me, and I will just have to accept that.” she gives in.

Still listening to them, Oliver’s heart breaks. He can’t believe it. Somehow, this woman with such wisdom and this hidden pain deep in her heart has captivated him.

“I think tomorrow we should leave for their kingdom. I want this over with as soon as possible.” Nike announces.

Worried, Shadow lifts his head abruptly, “NO! We can’t pass by that bastard’s kingdom. He might still have people patrolling the woods for you!”
“If we want to get there as soon as possible, we are passing by Bonclay Kingdom.” Nike replies matter of factly. “I don’t care if that bastard still wants me in that cage. I want these humans gone.”

“Why are you pushing them away so much?” Aurora speaks up.

A sad expression takes over Nike’s face, “If they stay, they’ll leave once they’ve gotten what they want. I want them to leave before they do any damage.”

“Damage?” Aurora tilts her head curiously.

“Yes, damage. My heart can’t handle rejection again. I don’t think I could live past it.” Nike buries her head in Shadow’s fur.

Whimpering, Shadow gives in, “fine we can go the short way.”

Nodding, Nike picks herself off of her brother, “Get some sleep you two, we have to travel past the Bonclay Kingdom soon and then Leonis Kingdom without getting caught on our way there.” Then she walks to the back corner of the cave, laying down.

A small spark of hope grows in Oliver, knowing that his mother will get better soon.

Suddenly, Balthazar speaks, “My lady, should I take you by flight?”

Not even shocked he’s awake, Nike replies, “No. I need them to bring their mother to me so I don’t have to go into the city and I don’t want to leave my pack behind.”

“As you wish. Then I will keep watch from above.” Balthazar bows his head. “Sleep well.”

Nodding her head, Nike cuddles into a ball. “Good night. Sleep well.”

His night of eavesdropping over, Oliver closes his eyes and falls to sleep. Dreams of his mother being healthy again filling all of his thoughts.

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