Ch. 6

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The next morning the pack continued on their way to the next forest. The human men, still dead set on following Nike till she healed their mother, refused to be left behind. Similarly, Balthazar didn't give the witch much choice on whether he was joining as well.

Oliver and Noir woke up to the pack already eating breakfast just as the sun rose over the trees. Once prepared, they all started to run in between the trees with Balthazar gliding just above.

It was an odd sight for the creatures of the forest to see. A small wolf pack traveling with three humans and a dragon flying low above them. Many scattered away in fear of the danger long before the group could pass by.

Gradually the trees around them started becoming sparser as the forest transitioned from evergreens to red maples. It almost felt like they had left one world only to step foot into another. The leaves of the maple trees were shades of oranges and reds that reflected the sun's rays as they blew in the wind creating a look of fiery magic.

The forests that separated the five major kingdoms each had their own unique tree that distinguished whose land was where. The very center between these forests housed the Leonis Kingdom. That land was considered neutral territory for all who came, except for those openly using magic which was banned in all kingdoms.

The twins were from the Gemini Kingdom, but the forest they were currently in was across from their home as far as Nike could possibly get.

As the sun started to set once again the troupe settled down into a cave carved out of a small hill.

Noir and Oliver set up a small camp at the edge of the cave once more. Their breaths were heavy with exhaustion, but despite it the twins built a small fire to roast some meat. You could tell the agony of waiting while the food smelled so good was starting to get to Oliver. Noir constantly had to swat his hand away from pulling one of the pieces off the fire early.

The pack settled down all over the cave, with the mates cuddled together and Terra underneath Balthazar's wing.

As the twins prepare their food, Oliver remarks "We'll need to go get some more rations soon."

Noir looks to his brother worriedly, "How are we going to find a town?"

Nike who had heard them explained, "There is a town nearby in that direction," she gestures to the west, "if you find you need something made by other humans. You are free to visit whenever, but remember to never mention me. I am not welcome there or in any other village or country."

Shocked, Noir protested, "For healing our mother you would be very welcome in our kingdom! Maybe even worshiped!"

"Stop. I've tried that before." Nike interrupted, her annoyance at their ignorance dripping in her voice. "They treated me nicely for a day before they were yelling at me for saying no to healing another. Then I was thrown in a cage and hurt until I healed whoever they wanted and was never fed."

The men fell silent appalled by what happened to her. "That is never ok. I don't care how they justified it, but Nike you must know that it's not acceptable for any kingdom to do that." Oliver tried his best to convince her that their kingdom is better than the others.

"Exactly Nike." Noir supported his brother, thoughts of welcoming the magical healer into their kingdom running through his mind.

Frustrated, Nike whispers, "I know, but it's not like they could go against the crown or that they were the only ones to do so." Moving from her spot near the entrance, she grabs the nearest wolf to go hunting with her.

Oliver and Noir watch as Soul and Nike pause far from the cave for a moment with Soul sniffing the sky before they take off following a scent. Both are mesmerized by the enchanting beauty, but their worry for their mother after her outright refusal to help them remains.

"Oliver, how do we get her to help us?" Noir asks with a slight quiver in his voice.

His eyes still stuck in the distance, Oliver replies, "We pray that Mother is still there when she finally circles back to the forest near our Kingdom and we bring her to Nike while she's in our forest."

"What about bringing her to Nike now? Why can't we go get mother?" Noir stupidly asks.

Oliver quickly shoots down that idea, "mother won't survive the journey and there's no guarantee that Nike will still be here when we come back. It's too long a journey."

Giving up, Noir sighs, "Fine. We should still try to learn more about her. Maybe if we gain her trust she'll be more willing to heal Mother." Both agreeing on the plan, the men set up a small camp for themselves at the edge of the cave and cooked some of the food they caught on the way.

While their food cooks, Nike and Soul return with a large deer being dragged behind them. The rest of the pack immediately walks to the food tearing pieces off to eat. Unfortunately, the humans had been watching and a wave of nausea at the scene took over their hunger.

As their food finishes, Noir takes a bit of it and walks to where Nike is lying against the wall of the cave, "My lady, if you would like, we've cooked some meat. I've brought you some."

"Thank you." Nike nods as she grabs the food. "It smells good."

Confused though, the man asks her, "I mean no offense, but how do you eat meat when you heal animals? Isn't that counterproductive?"

"It's simply the circle of life." She replies nonchalantly.

Still confused, Noir tilts his head like a small child would, "What about just living off of plants?"

Sighing, Nike puts down her food, "Well when you think about it everything alive survives on the death of whatever it eats. Eating a plant will kill a piece of it, and eating an animal will definitely kill it. The only way to live is to steal something else's life. I heal animals through fate. Only those that come along while I travel are healed. And when I need food, I only hunt what I need. It's all about balance. The balance of life will always be preserved."

"But still. Doesn't it feel weird to have healed something and then to eat it later?" Noir persists.

"The world demands balance." She shrugs. "For every creature I heal another will have to die. Honestly, I try not to think about it."

"I understand my lady." Noir finally accepts her answer. As he goes to return to his brother he stops, offering to the healer, "If you would like, we are willing to share our food with you. My brother makes great stew and we still have a few pieces of bread to make sandwiches with."

Picking up her food once more, Nike replies, "Your offer of food would be most appreciated, but my system can only handle lightly seasoned food. It is too used to raw meat and fresh vegetables from the forests. Your meat today is fine, but anything more would make me sick."

"Of course my lady," Noir bows elegantly. "Enjoy your meal."

As he walks back to his brother, Noir watches the wolves around him. It seems to him that of the five wolves, four of them are mated and the smallest one loves to play as she tries to pounce on one of the other's tails. The oldest pair lay by the entrance watching for others to come nearby looking for their human. Despite the ferocious nature of normal wolves, this group appears different, almost civilized.

Oliver, who had listened to his brother's conversation from next to the fire, remains deep in thought as Noir takes his seat. Her responses had confused him. Why would a human ever want to live like that? He's heard of people who live only on vegetables, but never one like her who lives on uncooked food.

How long has she been with this wolf pack?

Both brothers can't stop thinking this as the night comes closer and closer to an end.


To anyone who was actually waiting for this update I apologize. I literally spent an entire month sick then was shoved back into classes. I had written this chapter earlier, but then I completely changed my mind on how I wanted the twins to act. Now I finally got back into writing so here you go! 

Oof too many words there. Anyhoo

See you next chapter! (I make no guarantees on timeline)

NikeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang