"It's only been a day, you know. We have to try the best we can." On-jo encourages

"We'll show signs of dehydration today. And we won't be able to move by tomorrow." Nam-ra states

"What are you trying to say? Are you saying that we should go out, or...are you saying we'll die, anyway, so we shouldn't bother doing anything." On-jo questions as the room falls into a silence waiting for an answer

"I don't know." Nam-ra mumbles

"Then don't say anything." Ji-min snaps

"Can you shut up? God your voice is like a hammer to the skull. She's just stating facts" You snap back as you don't bother giving Ji-min a glance. Ji-min glares at you with her jaw clenched

"I think the prez means we should think about anything else that we can do. Right?" Su-hyeok breaks the glare

"No." Nam-ra answers

"No?" He questions

"We don't know anything at all. We need to know something before we can make plans." Nam-ra exclaims

"What more do we need to know?" Ji-min questions with attitude but Su-hyeok interrupts you before you could even speak

"What Nam-ra, means—" Su-hyeok starts but you elbow his chest making a grunt escape his lips as his head falls onto your shoulder

"You don't know anything." You coldly state as he purses his lips together

"No." He mumbles agreeing with you as he has no clue what Nam-ra means. You almost wanted to laugh but you just patted his shoulder for comfort

"Are you saying we need to understand the situation in order to take action?" Cheong-san questions Nam-ra

"Yes, that's right." Nam-ra nods in agreement

"Well, I totally agree with that. We need more information to decide whether to wait, run, or get out" Cheong-san agrees

"What can we find out on this situation, and also, how?" Dae-su questions patting down his hair

"We can check online if we have a cell phone." Cheong-san suggests

"But we don't." Su-hyeok states as his chin is now resting on your shoulder again, you leaning into his chest

"The teachers office." Cheong-san speaks his mind


Su-hyeok was now stood up leaning on the desk next to you with his arms folded. You were still on the floor using his blazer for warmth as you watched Cheong-san climb onto the window sill

"Cheong-san. Stop being so stubborn." On-jo mumbles

"Y/n" Cheong-san calls your name for the location of the teachers office

"Two rooms across, one floor down, you'll arrive at the teachers office" You exclaim as he nods

"You shouldn't go." On-jo protests

"If I can't make it, i'll just come back, you know? Don't worry about me." Cheong-san assures her

"I'm not worried about you. I'm pissed off" On-jo grumbles.

"Sure. Yes. Why would you worry about me?" Cheong-san mutters as you stand up and push past Cheong-san

"Y/n, what are you doing?" Wu-jin questions seeing half your body already leaving the room

"I'm not listening to two people refusing to accept there feelings for another bicker. I'm going" You state annoyed and start making your way along the wall as Cheong-san follows

"Careful, Cheong-san and Y/n" Su-hyeok calls out as he follows you both from behind

"Why do you keep following me?" Cheong-san questions

"I'm not following you, i'm following her" Su-hyeok teases as he grins and winks at you.

"Who else do you have, Cheong-san?" You ignore Su-hyeok's flirt

"You better stay close." Cheong-san chuckles

"Careful" Su-hyeok mumbles as you cross over a wall that's sticking out making your way to the other side of it and gripping onto a window. You crouch down scanning the room to see it filled with zombies. You stand up again and press yourself close against the window

"Can we go in?" Su-hyeok questions

"Unless you wanna be a meal. No" You answer

"Come back." Su-hyeok orders as himself and Cheong-san make room for you to cross over the wall again onto there side. You succeed on getting onto the other side as you press yourself against the wall again.

"What are you gonna do?" Cheong-san questions as Su-hyeok looks around for a bit

"Let's hang by our hands and go across." Su-hyeok suggests

"No, I don't mean that. I heard On-jo told you she likes you. Are you going to go out with her?" Cheong-san questions

"Is that really important to you, right now?" You groan throwing your head back and squeezing your eyes shut. You hate heights and doing this just increases your fear of them. Su-hyeok pushes Cheong-san softly making him almost lose his balance but he quickly regains it as Su-hyeok grins

"I'm not asking because it's important. I'm just curious. That's all." Cheong-san defends himself lightly pushing you making you grunt as he pushes you a bit harder then he'd expected but you regained your balance easily

"Why? Do you think I should?" Su-hyeok teases

"Hey. Why would you even ask me that? Do whatever you want. Who cares?" Cheong-san acts like he doesn't care

"What do you think?" Su-hyeok continues to tease as he kicks cheong-sans foot playfully

"Go. Go." Cheong-san orders most likely jealousy taking over his mind

"You go." Su-hyeok chuckles knowing he's jealous

"I'll go" you roll your eyes and climb over the wall once more and start dangling from your hands

"Be careful" Su-hyeok worriedly says as the two join you dangling from the wall and start moving it across it.

"Ow" You hiss removing one hand from the wall as you cut your hand on the wall. You inspect it as it was only a small cut but the boys eyes widen

"Two hands! Two hands!" Su-hyeok and Cheong-san repeatedly yell at you in union

"Okay! Okay!" You yell back placing your hand back on the wall and continuing to climb across the wall

"Dumbass, don't do that" Su-hyeok shudders

"Scared us, asshole" Cheong-san scowls

Word Count: 1592

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