Chapter II

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- Caleb -

Morning came faster than I thought. The alarm's ringing and I have to get ready for school. I don't particularly love going to River High. Wolves there are bratty, and they aren't very welcoming either. Truth be told that guy, Jake, got what he deserved. What were they thinking? That we wouldn't be able to hear what they said? Maya was right to put him in his place. I was enjoying the show, but Luke was about to explode so I had to settle things out. We were told not to pick up a fight by our alpha. So that's what we'll be doing. This treaty has helped our people and I do believe it was the right call to settle down. We were beginning to be too many to keep scavenging. After finishing getting ready, I walked downstairs.

- How was school, yesterday? – I hear my father say. He was expecting me just beside the stairs.

He is wearing his usual loose t-shirt and jeans. He is also barefooted, he's always liked to feel the dirt underneath. All wolves around here are barefooted, it's very common since it helps when transforming. You know, with the whole ripping apart clothes. It doesn't happen normally because we have time to take our clothes off, but in a hurry, it does have its perks not having shoes.

- Fine. I still wished I didn't have to go, though. – I answered truthfully.

Werewolves can tell whether you're lying, so there's no point in trying. Most wolves just bullshit around until your head spins, but they never tell the truth. I can do it as well, but I prefer not to. Honesty within a pack is the best way to act. So many conflicts are avoided, and wolves tend to trust you more.

- What took you so long? – he quickly added.

- I stayed longer to work on a team project and I had to do chores as soon as I arrived. What's with the interrogation? – I shot back. He's never like this.

- Just wondering. Food's ready, you should probably eat before heading out. – he said gesturing toward the kitchen.

- Thanks, I'm starving. Have you seen the twins? – I asked entering the kitchen he followed right behind me.

- Yeah, I saw them on their watch a few minutes ago. They should be getting ready to go to school. – he simply added and helped me get my food.

- Okay, I have to speak with them. –

- Why? What happened? – my father inquired. He loves to gossip, one of the things we have in common.

- Nothing important. – my father's right eyebrow shot right up. – Fine, a young wolf came by, and Maya was testing her limits. Everything's okay, it didn't escalate. Luke surely wanted to kick his ass though. – I explained not making a fuss about it.

- Already? Poor naïve wolf. What happened to him? – he asked, handing me the food. It's a rabbit and it smells amazing.

- Nothing, he left with his tail between his legs. – I said before digging in. It doesn't just smell great, but it tastes amazing as well. My father has always been a great cook ever since mom died, but today, he outdid himself.

- Yeah, I figured. – he nods in agreement. – Damn, I owe Alaric a squirrel. – I chuckled lightly.

Alaric is our pack's alpha. He's the best alpha we've had, or that's what the elders say. He is a great alpha, he inspires respect and fear, just like an alpha should. My father and he are best friends since kids. It's not like my father is the beta in command or third in command. He's just good friends with the alpha. So much that our alpha values his judgment. You could say my father is fourth in command but closer to the alpha than anyone else.

- Anyway, I must settle some limits. – I explain further.

- What a lovely job. – my father mocked. He's like my best friend, always fooling around.

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