The younger turned around and met the older's eyes, a glint of excitement in them.

♪ 규칙 없는 세계는..
전부 뒤집혀 뒤집혀 서있어.. 

"TURNING UP THE PARTY! 하늘엔 내 발이!!" Heeseung burst out into the song, causing a big smile to slowly spread across Jake's face.

"사람들은 HA HA! 내 귓속에는 LA LA!!" the older continued, his own face smiling as he saw the younger let out a laugh, finally beginning to lighten up. 

♪ 눈부셔~ baby,
이 조명~ shining,
We're in love~ with this, carnival~ 

"사실 무서워 난~, 출렁이는 잔속 이 취한 세계~!!" Jake joined in on his line, still smiling as he began to put down the sponge he was holding.

Heeseung put down the garbage bin he was holding. "그 끝엔 목이 타는 내 맘~, BUT I JUST WANNA STAY~!!"

"느껴져, 내 머린 DAZE, DAZE, DAZE!!" they both belted out and began jumping up and down, forgetting about the mess and getting completely hyped. "중독에 빠져 REPLAY, PLAY, PLAY!!"

"원함 원하는 대-!" the younger sang half of Jay's line.

"갈 때까지 가봐!" the older finished the other half.

"나를 가둔 CARNIVAL, WOW, WOW!!" they joined their voices together again before pausing and dancing the next part.

다시 내 심장이 daze, daze, daze,
Can't control my body, dance, dance, dance 

"달콤한 이 향기!! 붉은빛 송곳니!!" Heeseung sang his line.

"즐겨봐, 이 CARNIVAL, WOW, WOW!!" Jake finished off the verse. 

The song continued to play as they laughed and went back to cleaning, moving excitedly to the music.

Timeskip: 8:13pm

After about 10 more songs (all of which were their own), the two finally finished cleaning up the mess from dinner. 

Jake let out a breath of satisfaction, taking his dishwashing gloves off.

"What do you wanna do now?" Heeseung asked as he disposed the last of the garbage.

Truthfully, after the members had left, the younger was planning to just shower, hop in bed, and call it a night. But now that Heeseung was here, Jake didn't want to make the older regret staying. He turned to face the older. 

"I'm fine with whatever you want to do, hyung."

Heeseung smiled. "Wanna play League? I haven't had a chance to hop on in forever."

Jake smiled in return. He wasn't very good at video games himself, but he knew how much the older enjoyed them.

Timeskip: 9:10pm

"Wow, you're really bad at this" Heeseung laughed as he took yet another victory against Jake.

Jake pouted and crossed his arms. "Hey, it's not my fault that you're practically some esports gamer" he said. 

The older laughed again. "One more game?"

"No thanks, I'm just gonna lose again" the younger huffed, taking off his headset and standing up from his chair.

"Aww come on, just one more?" the older turned his chair to face Jake, pleading with his wide Bambi-like eyes. 

The younger sighed. "Hyung, I'm trash at this and you know it. I'm just gonna go shower, you can play without me."

Jake was about to head towards the door before a hand swiftly grabbed his wrist and yanked him back down.

"Hyung-" he protested, but he found himself already sitting in Heeseung's lap.

"Don't leave. If you don't wanna play then you can watch me" the older said with a lopsided grin. He circled his arms back around to his keyboard and mouse, trapping the younger in between as he started another game. 

Jake sighed again at Heeseung's stubbornness. He sat as lightly as possible at first, trying not to make the older uncomfortable, but eventually gave out and allowed his muscles to relax.

After a couple more games, Heeseung finally grew bored of his excessive wins. He released his arms from his keyboard and mouse and reached down to power off his computer.

"What now, hyung?" Jake questioned, standing up from the older's lap and turning to face him.

Heeseung stood up as well. "Hmmm... wanna watch something?"

The younger's face lit up. He immediately thought of the kdrama he was invested in but had left unfinished before their tour. "Yeah!! Let's watch-"

But Heeseung gasped as something else came to mind. "Let's watch a horror movie!!" his eyes sparkled, suddenly very excited at the thought.

Jake's heart sank. "Horror movie..?" he asked, trying to mask the nervousness in his tone. The younger had always been the type to get scared easily, and the various 'kkamjagiya' compilations fans posted of him online proved it.

Heeseung smiled. "Don't worry pup, I'll be right by your side the entire time. It'll be fun, trust me."

A slight pout formed on Jake's face. He didn't know how sitting and waiting to get jump-scared could be fun, but the older had already grabbed hold of his hand and was pulling him towards the living room.



double post this week since i finished all my work for the term!! just have final exams to study for, wish me luck y'all ㅠㅠ

also, thank you all for 6k reads!! new chapter should be out earlier this week!!

hint: it's not just gonna be about the movie hehe ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


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