𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑬𝑹 7-𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧

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It passed two hours since Musa's annoyed meeting with Riven she can't stand to be around him or hear his voice he was her worse nightmare in Alfea for her he was egoistic,selfish,self centered and many other things who are not in a good light. The mind fairy left her first class with Beatrix both of them were talking with each other their conversation was with giggles and smirks then Beatrix said putting her hands behind her head "You know you and Riven don't get well as I can see " Musa rolled her eyes she doesn't want Riven to be a main topic for a conversation.

"He is the actual devil Beatrix! He can't leave me breath for one second I swear to god one day I'm gonna choke him in his sleep " Beatrix couldn't hold her laugh she burst out of laugh Musa rolled her eyes but laughed either at her own words "Riven is not bad as it looks like I mean I dated him he showed an other side but still he was a trouble maker and devil that's what I liked in him until I met Stella" Beatrix winked at the fairy and she chuckled but Beatrix was right even Riven was acting like a total jerk in front of Musa he has another side who he doesn't show often he never does actually.

The both fairies were still talking and laughing and then Stella walked to them she was wearing fancy clothes as usual and very stylish hairstyle Beatrix bit her bottom lip Stella was looking gorgeous "Hi my two fairies" Stella said with a smile showing her clean white teeth she has a very beautiful smile who everyone loved especially Beatrix the air red hair fairy gave a kiss on Stella's cheek and took her hand onto hers "You two look like a good couple" Musa said with soft smile on her face the two fairies smiled at their new friend "Anyway do you know where is the library?" Musa asked the both girls they looked at each other and then back at her "It's on your right wait are you a nerd? I mean you don't look like a book lover because of your style etc" Stella said confused a bit Musa only chuckled and said "The clothes doesn't matter at all I'm not nerd just I love quiet places to relax anyway have a nice day two love birds" Musa said and left the two fairies and walked to the library.

The mind fairy stopped for a moment she looked if someone was coming before to enter inside luckily no one was coming on that way or to the library she need it some rest from those emotions who haunted her even while she was with her headphones the fairy stepped inside the library the silence big room with books on each place and many other stuffs made her love that place from Alfea no emotions,no stress and especially Riven.

Finally a peaceful place for a mind fairy like me the fairy thought and put her headphones on the big desk in the library she start looking around the shelfs with thousands of books Musa actually loved to read sometimes but she is doing it hardly ever when she gets bored or if her phone dies while the fairy was looking around the library the door got open from someone the guy stepped inside without noticing the fairy who was looking at the books and locked the door behind him the guy walked to the desk and took a bottle with whiskey and small cup he put some whiskey in it and took some sips while he sat down at the big chair and put his legs on the desk.

And you know who is the guy obviously it was the annoying specialist who was obsessed with the mind fairy Riven put his black hoodie on his head and then he noticed the fairy who was scrolling through the books a smirk appeared on his face and took another sip of his drink "Well well the feisty fairy is actually a hot nerd " Musa recognized his voice she rolled her eyes and turned around her face changed into annoyed one she can't stand to even look at his face the fairy walked to the desk and took her headphones then she walked to the door when she tried to open it she realized it was locked oh great I''m gonna be stuck with mr jerk of the year the fairy thought again in her mind.

"I guess we will be together for a long long time " Riven said again taking another sip without taking his eyes off the fairy she crossed her arms Musa already noticed the key for the library he probably stole it from some teacher or something but she really didn't care at all she wanted to get out of here "Can you give me the key so I can go out from here I can't stand to be in one room with you" Musa said walking towards the desk the specialist chuckled a bit and took the bottle of whiskey he already drank the first cup and decided to drink more "After I finish that sweetheart " "you can simply give me the key and continue drinking idiot" Musa said more annoyed when she reached for the key who was on the desk the specialist took it fast and put it in his pocket of his jacket Musa tried to keep her calm she accept the fact that she won't get out from here so she has to have some patience.

The fairy only walked around ignoring Riven's existing in the room it was a lot hard since his eyes were only on her nothing else the fairy still looked through the books ignoring a eye contact with that annoying boy "you know it won't hurt if you talk with me or be a bit nice not a feisty bitch " Musa titled her head and looked at the specialist "I'm a feisty bitch with some jerk who is alcoholic and cigarette addicted and who is also addicted to the sex and his reputation because he feels like a total loser and is jealous from his own friend who is the quite opposite of him" Riven looked surprised for a bit he squeezed the cup for a moment she was again in his head with her powers not only under his skin she was also in her mind with her powers.

Riven only smirked at the fairy and continued drinking it had a bit weird awkward silence the specialist put the cup on the desk and looked at the fairy who was still looking around "It won't hurt if you start a normal conversation with me  I don't bite at all " Musa squeezed her fists she looked at him with a death stare "Please do me a favor stop talking with me and just finish this whiskey so I can leave that dump library " "oh come on pixie I'm not that bad you can know my other side " Riven winked at the fairy she rolled her eyes again he was getting more annoying each second.

The fairy and the bad boy who was sitting on the big chair made a eye contact with sparks in it those sparks meant something was growing maybe it was hate or other feeling they both were in a big silence and stared at each other's eyes the fairy was super confused from what was happening right now she could just avoid his eyes but now she was staring at them "If it has something good in you then why you don't show it?" Musa broke the silence with a question the specialist moved a bit then looked back at the fairy "Because I have my reasons little fairy just because I'm acting like a dick as how you are calling me that doesn't mean I'm a fully devil" he said a bit serious and calm the fairy got a bit curious about the guy she walked towards the desk and sat on it.

"Well you should try to be at least nice towards your friends and classmates even to start respect the women you have to move on from your break up with Beatrix and find someone else" Riven already found someone for him and it was her but they barely know each other plus she was new here she can't just jump in his hands and say the love word he had to have patience with that he need to show her his other side only to her but that will be a bit hard for him the boy only stared at the fairy in silence she know he was feeling a bit guilty for how he was acting towards the others it was written on his face "you know you are not bad at all well I still can't stand you but you are not very bad " Musa said calmly without any sassy comment or a threat towards the specialist.

A small flirty smile formed on his face he moved his chair close to the desk where was the fairy and again looked into her brown eyes he was getting lost in them she was so beautiful everything in her was perfect like she was made for him but he knew he has to have patience for Musa "I'm surprised you are not threatening me or being feisty again" Musa rolled her eyes and chuckled "That's like a protection from a guys like you I despise them " she said for first time from their met they had a peaceful talking without any flirt or threats.

They both started a small conversation and then Riven handed to the fairy the cup with the alcohol in it "Don't worry that won't kill you or something " Musa took the cup and took a sip from it the specialist couldn't stop look at the fairy they had some similar things but they were very very different from each other Musa took another sip and looked at the boy who was staring at her "Is your head in the clouds now?" Musa smirked at him he only titled his head with a small smile on his face he was actually happy to talk with her without getting a slap or even a threat "Maybe" he said in deep and calm voice Musa stared at him with a smile on her face but a soft one like she was start to like him and it was true she slowly start to like him.

The bad boy took out from his other pocket two cigarettes one for him and one for the fairy he handed the cigarette to the fairy and a lighter she took them from his hands and light the cigarette and then put it in her mouth the specialist was super impressed from the fairy right now they were smoking cigarettes together that was like his dream date with a girl "You're a bit cool" Musa said removing the cigarette from her lips and leaving a smoke the specialist removed his cigarette and left a smoke either "Can't blame you I know I'm cool " he winked at the fairy she playfully punched him on the hand and continued to smoke with him for first time they are having a peaceful moment without rudeness or hate in Musa's body towards Riven.

𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑫𝑬𝑽𝑰𝑳ૢ་༘࿐:: | an Rivusa fictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora