𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑬𝑹 4 - 𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙖𝙞𝙡

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Meanwhile Beatrix and Musa left the suite Miss begged Beatrix to show her the other half of that big school who looked like a castle but without the king and queen in it just teen people learning spells and working on their fighting skills. While they were walking Beatrix was talking about the school and showing her every single part from it she even told her the rules here Musa listened carefully but then they both stopped walking for a moment Beatrix rolled her eyes and whispered to Musa "and that's my ex Riven he is not as like the other boys" Musa already met Riven he really didn't made a first impression to her Musa also rolled her eyes and whispered back "I don't know what you saw in him he has nothing special only shitty ass attitude and big ego plus he is a fucking manwhore " Beatrix was stunned for moment she hold her laugh because what Musa was saying is true for her "for the manwhore part from where you know about it? Just asking" "telepath powers his mind is more mess than hisself in public" Beatrix noticed how Musa was despising Riven even she was new in the school she already hated Riven.

"I guess he didn't made a good impression to you as I can see" Beatrix continued with some chuckle the other fairy only shake her head and they still stared at the bad boy who probably was making fun of a new specialist "Bullying someone with this shitty face isn't hot or cool literally Bea I feel sorry that you dated a dick like him" this time it was a bit loud when Musa was speaking the specialist heard what Musa was saying about him he pushed the other specialist away and walked in front the two fairies "Well well I guess you two became besties huh?" Beatrix was in silence and rolled her eyes Musa just gave him a death annoyed stare the specialist bit his bottom lip a flirty smile came across his face again he had a second chance and probably he will fail again.

"Again feisty huh? You should be a bit nice for once newbie" musa had enough from his bullshit she stepped closer to the tall specialist and hit him on the leg he bit his lips from pain his eyes again full in fire but the sparks blow more a bit from anger and a bit of love he was getting more obsessed with her "Even I'm feisty I'm not a dick or a man whore like some people in that corridor who is trying flirting with me and is falling down bad you look pathetic in that go find another girl without brain and leave me the fuck alone or I swear I'm gonna break your neck" Beatrix was speechless and impressed then they both walked away from the specialist.

After they left Riven only shaked his head like he always said to his friend he won't give up even she was feisty that won't stop him just then Dane walked close to Riven he already saw the two scenes between the fairy and his ex Riven really was failing to flirt with the fairy "Like I said she is not into you" Dane said standing next to him Riven titled his head and said a bit annoyed "That little fairy can be a little naughty feisty girl but that won't stop me to make her mine" with that Riven left the hallway and his friend who chuckled behind him "oh dude you will fall so bad" Dane said to hisself and walked to his other friends.

Meanwhile Riven was walking around the school when he saw the mind fairy all alone before to show up Beatrix already showed her the school and she had a date with Stella so she had to leave Musa even she doesn't want to but she can't miss that date with her girlfriend Don't fail don't fail he said to his mind the specialist walked to the fairy and put his arm on the wall so she can't go away.

The fairy rolled her eyes a smirk show up on Riven's face "Won't you give up?" She asked annoyed looking directly into his eyes "When I want something " he made a short pause he leaned a bit close to her face and put his hand on her waist the fairy was looking at him annoyed and serious at the same time "I'm getting it with good or bad ways your feisty attitude won't stop me to make you mine" Musa's feminist side show up she slapped the specialist across his face turning his cheek light red and pushing him away from her "You might have every single woman on your finger but not this one big boy I'm not some random toy to put in bed and make sex with it if you think I will run after you like you are doing right now your shitty fantasies are completely wrong" Riven hold his cheek but still has a flirty smile on his face Musa looked at him super annoyed and left she didn't have the nerves for him.

When she left the specialist only chuckled at hisself she was brave to slap him across his face luckily she didn't choke him with plants around his neck like Terra the last year he should be glad that she wasn't a earth fairy because he would be dead for one second suddenly Sky showed up behind the specialist "Boo!" the other specialist turned around to look at his blonde friend he had an annoyed look Sky could see that Riven failed again with Musa "Aww Christian Grey failed to put Anastasia Steele in his bed with handcuffs" Sky joked and laughed at his own joke Riven punched Sky jokely the blonde specialist chuckled and both walked at the specialist hall "She is a big challenge as you can see so I suggest you to find another girl to hit on" "the other bitches doesn't matter only she matter I need her and possibly one day she will need me either I will make her mine remember that" Riven said to his friend that guy won't give up so easily on the fairy like he said when he wants something he gets it with good way or a bad way.

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