Washi Wings

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(Loosely Adapted from "Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger Returns: Give Me Your Life! Monarch of the Earth Tournament")

After a 30-second recap, we cut to the Link Cube. Benny, now back in his Eagle suit but still without his helmet, teleports in, right in front of it. He's looking really tired but starting to slow his panicked breathing now. He keeps a tight grip on his Morpher and looks up at the broken Zooman relic. The Mark of the King is still glowing on his head. He then spots 4 "holes" indented into the shape about the size of Keeper Cubes. With an angered look in his eyes, he walks up and pushes his cube in. Nothing happens.

He gets even more enraged.

Benny: How!? How did he do it!? These were on the other side. How did he get through if the keys were on the other side!?

He tries again and again, pleading with the ancient device.

As he does, Derrick, still in his suit but without his helmet, teleports in nearby.

Benny: Take me away! Take me to my dad without glitching, take me to finish off Sagittar, I don't care where! Just take me away and help me fix something!

Derrick: Benny!

While shouting, he grabs Benny's shoulders and pulls him away from the slot, snapping him out of his outburst.

Derrick: Bro, you scared us! You can't just run off like that!

The Red Ranger responds by pushing him back.

Benny: Well, why shouldn't I!?...Everything is AWFUL today, Derrick! My dad has been dead for YEARS and I only just learned about it! My mom is still a gigantic LIAR, and my zoo, my home got attacked! The only good thing to happen was Primordo dying, and I have every right to be upset right now—!

Derrick: YOU'RE RIGHT!

He says this while grabbing his friend's shoulders again so that he'll listen, and as he speaks, the two of them slowly kneel closer to the rocks.

Derrick: You're right, today sucks. What your mom did sucks, you can't find your dad, you can't make things right with someone cause they're gone, and some trust went with them! I know the feeling! But it's not on you to fix HER mistake and we can't make help you feel better if we can't find you!... Okay!?

The damns in his eyes have broken to pieces.

Benny can barely muster a nod as he hangs his head toward the ground in defeat.

The Black Trino Ranger comforts him by patting his back.

Derrick: It's alright, bro. Just let it out.

A few feet away, Jackie, Sylvia, Caleb, Winston, and Harris, all still wearing their suits but not their helmets, appear only a few yards away from the Link Cube. Quickly, everyone rushes over to their side...say for the aforementioned Birdman. Jackie falls to her knees and hugs her boyfriend. Caleb side-hugs him while Sylvia and Winston kneel to join Derrick in patting his back. The Orange Hawk Ranger watches with a look of guilt in his disguised eyes, not wanting to make things worse.

The scene concludes with a few more seconds of the Red Ranger letting his grief flow while surrounded by his friends.


We then hard cut to a new location.

Jackie's house.

A quick look outside shows it's one story with blue walls, a small front yard with a fake flamingo, a garage, and a black door with a sign on the front that says Yindī t̂xnrạb (or Welcome in Thai). We cut inside to Benny and Jackie sitting on a blue couch right under an opening allowing a view into the kitchen. There's a TV in front of them, some workout gear near the front door, and a purple carpet underneath a coffee table with books and some lists on it. The Blue Shark Ranger is rubbing the Red Ranger's back as he hangs his head into his palms. He's not crying anymore, but he's still very upset.

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