Horned Roar

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(Adapted from "Unhappy Camera")

We start this episode off with a shot of Derrick's house at dusk, along with bottom screen text saying, "Several Weeks Ago", meaning this is during the team's break between Episodes 22-23 before we cut into the garage to find Derrick sitting on a mat and meditating. His eyes are closed and his zords seem to be joining him, with the human and his Cubimals making a circle. The scene is ambient silence and lasts for about 8-9 seconds.

Derrick: (opens an eye) Anything?

The zords make noises while shaking their heads, getting a disappointed groan out of the sixth ranger.

Derrick: Of freaking course. It's been weeks since I've talked to them so what did I expect?

He then hears his phone buzzing and pulls it out of his pocket.

On it, a reminder reads "Hit the gym supplies".

Derrick: (sigh) Ight, well, I'll be back soon.

As he stands up we truly begin the opening of this episode, that being a montage. One showcasing Derrick's daily routine. Because for those that don't remember, Derrick is the only ranger who does not work at the zoo, so for a minute and several seconds we get to see his routine and what he's been doing for the last few months. First, we see 3 back to back shots that are, in order, him walking into the gym, putting in some wireless earbuds, and then pressing a play button on his phone.

Music begins to play in the background (maybe something similar to "As If It's Your Last" by BLACKPINK), and then we just get 30 seconds of Derrick cleaning the gym and leaving at the end of this stretch. Spraying and wiping down the equipment, mopping the floors, picking up garbage, etc. And again, he leaves as those seconds are up.

We then get 16 seconds as the montage continues where something different happens now.

More footage is shown of Derrick meditating on his mat in the garage.

And for every cut, we not only see different days of the week, leading into spring, but Derrick getting more frustrated in trying to talk to the Zoomans.

But it's the next two big chunks of footage that add a bit more weight to this montage.

Over the next 16-second stretch, we see Derrick looking at the titles of local news articles and footage on tv.

News discussing what exactly?

...The Safari Shadow Megazord's first fights.

Where it was battling the rangers while Derrick was "evil".

But that's not all as we see some footage from the previous two episodes + Episode 21 where the Megazord fights alongside them, and the descriptions on the news/article titles now change more to things like "Is The Sixth Ranger Trustworthy?" or something like that. While viewing this stuff, Derrick looks on with a look of guilt and anger.

However, this stretch of seconds ends, and we see him take a nice deep breath and his fist tighten around his Morpher.

Then, in one last stretch lasting 35 seconds, we get everything all at once. We cut back and forth between Derrick doing jogs or runs, lifting weights, more footage of him at his job, more meditating, practicing on his training dummy with a drawn picture of Sagittar stapled onto it, maybe using his scaly staff with the garage door closed, basically anything that fits what's already been shown and can be compacted again into 35 seconds showing one thing above all else. Derrick has been doing a lot outside the suit.

Once the montage is over we get one last shot of him standing up from meditation.

He listens, but he can't hear anyone.

Power Rangers Zoo-Keepers Season 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora