Ranger Orange

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(Adapted from "Soar High in the Sky")

After a 30 seconds recap, we pick up where we left off last episode. Harris, standing in front of an injured Benny on the beach, opposite Platyplier 3, and for the first time in years, fully Morphed into a ranger. Only this time, instead of a red ranger, it's the Orange Hawk Ranger.

Benny: You...you transformed!

Harris: Honnou Kakusei!

He grows orange Primal Power wings and dashes for his opponent, landing two quick strikes before slowing down in the air to land some kicks on him, but in the process, gets his foot grabbed.

Platyplier 3: Yo, Yo! Get your boots off me, bro!

Harris: (flips back) Feather Shredder!

Now with his feet back on the ground, he swings his sword at the enemy twice, landing two hits. The Platyplier tries to kick the sword out of his hand again, but Harris' grip is tighter this time, and he turns the tables by kicking the brother back several feet instead. And just when the enemy stands up, Harris performs a new move. The Birdman now stands in front of cloud greenscreen as he grabs his blade with both hands, waves it in one motion, and creates a circle (think something similar to Tommy's Brachio Staff Energy Orb from Dino Thunder). With his Feather Shredder now glowing orange, he calls out this new attack's name!

Harris: Raptor Sun Slash!

He strongly swings his sword and lands energy slashes on Platyplier 3, who screams in pain before blowing up in an explosion! All the Birdman can do is stand alone with a hint of surprise, shock, and realization in his body language as he processes what he's done for the first time in years.


Back to the other monster, Jackie and Caleb are still fighting against Platyplier 4, but then, the brother stops as he blocks their blades, and can sense what's happened.

Platyplier 4: Uh oh! Another brother's down for the count!

He says this while slashing Caleb and Jackie back with his Spur Strikers before then jump-kicking them away.

Platyplier 4: We'll end this later, rangers! Peace!

He turns around and leaps into the air, teleporting away offscreen in a green flash.

Jackie and Caleb stand up holding their torsos, but then turn their attention to the rest of the team and power down as they go over to help them.

Caleb: Are you lads alright?

The duo starts helping them up.

Derrick: Yeah.

Sylvia: Could be better.

Winston: Same. But where did Benny go?


Back on the beach, Harris holds his Morpher and then powers down to stare at it with teary eyes. It's hard to determine if they are tears of joy for being able to use his powers for good again, or tears of grief and sorrow given what has been said about his past before...and what he supposedly did to his team. Regardless, he is still thankful to these powers for helping him in this instance, and so he makes it known.

Harris: Thank you.

He turns his attention back toward Benny and runs over. Once he's close enough; he quickly kneels and offers a helping hand.

But then the Red Ranger stares at him with a look of confusion and annoyance.

Benny: ...You damaged the Link Cube.

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