Jungle Scrolls

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(Partially Adapted from "Monarch of Humanity")

We open this episode with Martha Washi sitting at her bedroom's arts-and-crafts table, looking somewhat concerned. An appropriate feeling to have after a friend is captured and injured to the point of hospitalization, your team is almost killed, and your enemies have only gotten stronger. However, as she taps her finger on the desk, what's sticking and echoing out from her mind, is a sentence her son said to her last episode.

Benny: (in her head) Why can't I have ONE secret from you, after everything you've kept from me, huh!?

Martha lets out an exhale and looks around.

She notices the card Harris gave her before he left and gets an idea.

Martha: ...Hmm. Maybe, if he's in on some other secrets...

The number is dialed into her phone after picking up the card, and she waits patiently for the drawn-out ring to end before someone answers her on the last ring.

Martha: Oh, h-hi, this is Martha Washi of the Washi Safari Zoo and Aquarium, and I was told by a friend of mine, erm, Harris, that I could call this number if I wanted to...umm...know more about Zoomans?

Silence occurs for a moment.

Then, a voice belonging to someone we will see return shortly answers.

?: Hello, Ms. Washi. I've been expecting your call.


The next day, down in the Sanctum, every ranger but Derrick is present and wondering what the deal is.

Sylvia: Anyone got any context clues?

Winston: I wasn't told a thing.

Caleb: Likewise. A surprise in the Sanctum isn't exactly the most informative text.

Jackie: Do you know what this big surprise could be?

Benny simply shrugs before the Sanctum's elevator door opens.

Two figures step out.

A familiar but old theme starts playing.

Naturally, the team's boss is one of them...but the other is someone in black robes with white highlights on the end of his sleeves, a white "ladder-like" pattern in the center of his chest, and a large red belt wrapped around his very fit physique that looks straight out of a martial arts movie.

Martha: Good afternoon, my pupils.

The team turns around to face Martha and is quickly confused by the second visitor.

Jackie: Erm, hey, Martha.

Caleb: Who is that?

Finally, we pan up and the stranger's face is finally revealed.

Martha: Rangers...meet, Casey Rhodes.

The smiling Pai Zhuq master introduces himself.

Casey: Greetings. It's an honor to meet more Power Rangers like myself.

Our heroes' eyes quickly widen.

Winston: Wait! Get out of town!

Sylvia: We get to meet another legendary ranger!?

Benny: W-Which team are you from?

Martha: (coughs) Next time I'd lead with a "nice to meet you".

Casey: No, no, it's fine. My team and I, using martial arts and animal spirits, protected the city of Ocean Bluff over a decade ago...as the Jungle Fury Rangers.

Power Rangers Zoo-Keepers Season 2Where stories live. Discover now