Reborn From Blocks

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(Adapted from "Undone Seal")

After a thirty-second recap, we pick up immediately where we left off with Harris fighting Amoebanoids in the forest. He leaps off the leafy forest floor and effortlessly launches himself forward with his Primal Power wings, fire flashing through 7-8 grunts in seconds. He then lands on his feet and turns around to perform his signature finisher, again, with what seems like little effort.

Harris: Raptor Sun Slash!

The attack destroys the remaining Amoebanoids in one big explosion as small orange feathers float to the ground off of the Orange Ranger's suit.

He stands victorious as the flames settle.

But then...he lets out a surprised grunt and falls to the ground on his knees.

Using the Feather Shredder, he stands himself back up and finally starts to leave the area...


...unaware he's being watched from the Arrow Galion.

Blockhead: There he is. Keep an eye on him. I'm gonna train and come up with a plan to clip his wings.

He says the second and third sentences in a seamless cut to original footage where he begins heading for the cockpit door, but once he steps out, a hushed conversation begins between his two superiors.

Midaria: We should completely destroy him while we have time.

Sagittar: I'm not putting his body's energy to waste.

Midaria: If you want his power, then take it. We could knock him out, drain it with one of Insidion's old tools and add it to yours.

Sagittar: I appreciate the idea. Unfortunately, his power is incompatible with my body's energy, so it's better for both of us to just act none the wiser about...his true nature.

Midaria: (sighs) Can we at least alter his mind one more time just to be sure he's forgotten?

Sagittar: ...Sure...Later. Let him have fun with the Hawk Ranger for now.


Outside the cockpit, we follow Blockhead walking around the ship.

He looks emotionless.

But the inner dialogue we hear says otherwise.

Blockhead: (in his head) If I'm from Earth, and they want me to forget my life as Insidion did,...these things in my chest are evidence. I'll make them suspicious of what I know...He thinks I don't remember that zap during Huntoceros' plan. Thinks I don't remember him saying I'M starting to remember...I have to keep being the brute for now. Play along and make today's rage about the body part or pride or something. I don't know how I'm gonna overthrow him, but until that time comes...

For the final shot of this scene, we zoom in on the final headhunter's face as three words are mentally uttered.

Blockhead: THEY. CAN NOT. KNOW.

Cue Theme Song (1 Minute)


At the hospital, Derrick can be seen, finally walking out of his hospital room, looking a lot better.

Derrick: You're sure I don't need to stay longer?

Doctor: Normally, I'd say you would, but it appears you've "somehow" healed very quickly and have no signs of any permanent internal damage.

The conversation then grows into one whispering given the next topic.

Derrick: Sweet. Thanks for keeping the secret, by the way, doc.

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