Cephalopod Snare

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(Adapted from "The Giant Beast Hunter Strikes Again")

This episode opens up with another 30-second recap. The main highlights are Sagittar mentioning how he tried to erase all Zoomans, Benny protecting the Whale Zord while the others fight Midaria in the Python Huntroid, the Whale Watcher Megazord taking the machine out, Midaria fleeing with the memory core, giving said memory core to Sagittar, and of course, a wounded Psycholapod swearing he'll be back.

In downtown Dolphin Coast, we see the rangers running forward on an empty bridge, unmorphed, as explosion sounds are heard in the background.

Text at the bottom of the screen reading "2 Weeks Later".

When they come to a stop to look at what's causing this, we cut to see giant enemies.

Or as the Yellow Ranger puts it as they see...

Caleb: THREE big buggers!?

Cut to giant clones of Varnacle, Cardlada, and King Codabra, causing trouble by waving their weapons around.

Jackie: Looks like Psycholapod's back at it.

Sylvia: But wait. Where did he get these memories if we haven't seen him today?

Derrick: Doesn't matter. We gotta stop them now.

Benny: You're right. Let's handle this quickly.

He then pulls out the Cetacean Canon, but before he can transform, Winston advises him not to.

Winston: Wait, Benny...What if this is a ploy to lure out the whale zord?

Benny: ...Crap, you could be right. In that case, let's not give him what he wants.

He then pulls out his Morpher, as does everyone else.

They press their buttons/turn their cubes and morph like usual.

The Rangers: Zoo Mode Go!

Cue 6-member morphing sequence shot and then hard cut to footage of almost all the zords running forward in a CGI environment.

The Rangers: Cubimals Go!

For the first time in a while, we see all the zords leap through the rings of fire to come together.

Benny, Jackie, and Caleb: Megazord Activate!

Winston and Sylvia: Megazord Activate!

Derrick: Megazord Activate!

Cue footage of their 3 Megazords forming on their own as the names are called out, along with their auxiliary Cubimals appearing for battle.

Derrick: Safari Shadow Megazord!

Benny, Jackie, and Caleb: Zoo King Megazord!

Benny: Reticulated Giraffe Zord!

Winston and Sylvia: Wild King Megazord!

Sylvia: Star-Nosed Mole Zord!

Winston: Grizzly Bear Zord!

Derrick: Vampire Bat Zord!

The Zoo-Keeper Megazords pose epically against a black background with smoke surrounding their legs.

Benny: Let's go animalistic!

Everyone readies themselves for battle as their enemies take notice.

Both sides then march at each other to start the fight.

Attempted strikes from all the monsters are blocked by the auxiliary Cubimals. Each monster is handled one by one, starting with the Cardlada clone. The Zoo King Megazord waves the Giraffe Zord at it briefly, which seems like a dumb thing to do, but it's quickly made up for by a punch being delivered to Cardlada's gut and the Megazord then using the Giraffe to blast their opponent multiple times, backing him up against a building.

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