Fates of Earth

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(Partially Adapted from "Fate of this Planet" and "Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger Returns: Give Me Your Life! Monarch of the Earth Tournament")

After a 30-second recap, we cut back to the woods. Winston, Sylvia, and Benny are still desperately searching for the Black Trino Ranger, not knowing if he's safe. They come up on a river with Sylvia and Benny branching off a little bit to look around and keep shouting...but Winston comes to a stop when a smell catches his nose.

Winston: (sniffs) That smell.

He looks in the direction of where he thinks it is before his eyes widen. He sees Derrick, still hanging from the wooden bridge, unconscious, with his zords incapacitated as well.

Winston: Oh crap, Derrick! Guys, I found him!!!

The other rangers gasp and rush over, with everyone quickly reaching him as Winston grabs his Savage Saber. He cuts their friend down, with Sylvia and Benny making sure his head doesn't hit the rocks on the ground.

Winston: Derrick? Derrick!

There's no response.

He doesn't even flinch or shift in his knockout-induced sleep.

Sylvia: He needs to go to a hospital!

Benny: O-Okay, Winston, help me lift him.

Winston: I-It's alright, man, we'll get you to safety.

The boys lift him off the ground while Sylvia takes out her Morpher to teleport them out.


We then cut to a dark tunnel, barely illuminated by some light around a corner, where Insidion is now in a state of unbridled panic.

He stumbles through the water for a moment, terrified by what just occurred.

Insidion: (panting) I'm finished!...I-I'll be killed!

He then leans against a stone wall, trying to gather himself.

Insidion: (shaky) NO. I can't let him toy with me! I can't die in despair; I have to kill him somehow!... But what should I DO? What do I do!?


Back in the woods, Harris blocks two of Blockhead's slashes with his Feather Shredder and manages to push his blade toward the ground. However, when he puts his foot down to hold the blade in place and strike, Blockhead heaves it up and throws him off, briefly grazing his shredder's tip as he flies straight up for a moment and then falls. Blockhead kicks him down and swings again but misses him as he gets back up. Harris gets struck two times in the chest before the brute grabs him and tosses him aside. Fortunately, Harris counters by quickly wrapping the Feather Shredder around Blockhead's right arm and landing on his feet.

Harris: Take this!

He pulls on the blade and performs the same kind of finishing slash Benny did when he killed Jagged, breaking apart the arm into pieces, before whipping it around again to land a blow on his chest, making more pieces fly off. The monster's broken limb and chest glow blue from the hits as a result.

Harris: This ends now!

The Birdman runs forward to strike with his sword, but Blockhead quickly reforms, catching his blade in the process.

Blockhead: Nice try!

An energy slash is sent out that strikes Harris in the torso, causing sparks to fly and him to fall to the ground while dropping the 4 new Cubimals.

Blockhead: Huh. Not bad. Wouldn't mind a rematch sometime. Later, bird brain.

He says this while his arm/chest heals and as he turns around, before teleporting out in a quick green beam. Harris rises to his knees with help from his Eagle Shredder and powers down. He then looks to the ground and notices something odd...A single cube of Blockhead was left behind...in the spot where Harris dropped the CUBIMALS.

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