I didn't mean to!

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Ok this is Noah's pov because this chapter suits it! So, enjoy!


It had been weeks since I had seen Michael at school or anywhere else. That wasn't like him, he goes from one place to another in two seconds!

 That was until I saw him walk into school. Everyone looked at him weird and some even started whispering. He didn't have his normal foxy mask on and his jacket was zipped up this time. He appeared to be holding C.c's little Fredbear plush and he had heavy bags under his eyes. It was clear he had no sleep and cried alot. He walked past his usual friends and Fredrick, the one with the Freddy mask had made faces at him. He walked past everyone and tears started to well up in his eyes. He was trying his best not to cry but was doing a terrible job. He held the plush at his face, trying to make himself not seen. I knew something was wrong.

Every single day I tried to talk to him but to no avail, he always ignored me or walked away. Everyone advised me not to go near him calling him things like 'monster' and 'a_hole' (I never usually censor swear words👁️👄👁️) I had enough of it so one day I held his hand and took him to an empty hallway.

"Ok Michael, enough with the games already! What the hell happened!?!?"

Tears fell down his cheeks and my heart sank.

"Well what do you think Noah?" He said quietly.

"Michael, I honestly don't know, please tell me what happened, you're making me sad."

"Well I thought you'd know by now. I basically killed C.c and went to prison for a few weeks." He said his voice shaking from trying to hold in his cry.

I was shocked, is this what my sister meant by 'he's gone'?!?! (Lol you have to read my random book to know what I'm talking about 😌) I didn't know what to say, I just... Pulled him into a hug. He was breathing really heavy so he wouldn't cry.

"Michael, are you ok?"

 It was a stupid question I was about to take it back but,

"No, I'm not ok." He said before crying his eyes out.

I was glad that I had confronted him so soon, he was terrified of himself and confused but no one helped him. He needed my help because nobody else wants to.



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