Goodbye My Sweetheart

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Yazaza, It's not what it looks like‼️ 


"It was a really bad night, wasn't it?" Noah asked

"I bet so..." 

We were trying to clean up after what we had done last night—that was quite hard to do when we were hungover.  

"Atleast were particularly done!" 

"Particularly?! We've barley even done anything!" 

"Why are you being so negative, I thought that was my job?" 

"I'm just stating the facts." 

"Yeah sure, sure" I said shortly before kissing him on the cheek. 

"Well we need to clean all of this up today. I have babysitting duty tomorrow!" 

Of course! His sister had made some friends in her old learning group and she decided to catch up with them. No better place to do that than Circus Baby's Pizza World! What a 'smart' descision! 

It took us around two hours to clean the whole house. Once we were done we both collapsed onto Noah's bed. I slowly moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around him. 

"Tired, aren't you?" He smiled warmly.

"What do you think, Noah, what do you think?" 

He kissed my lips.

"I love you so much Michael." 

"I love you too, darling." 

He suddenly got on top of me and started hugging me.

"Michael you're so special to me, please never forget that. The way you talk is flattering, they way you look at me always makes me feel so—appreciated, the way that you somehow look so breath-taking without even trying makes me feel warm inside, I love your hair it's so soft and makes me feel calm, this might sound weird but I just love the way you—well—smell? It just makes me comfortable and so joyful, every single time I see you I want to scream because you are just every single good feeling, your skin is unbelievably soft? This sounds so weird, but I love the way you do every action, it just seems so loving and calm and peaceful I can just tell how much sympathy you have for other people, the way you treat everyone so kindly even when they annoy you and sure you can joke around but in the end you always treat them with so much respect. I adore you for that. I'm so fucking lucky to have someone like you. Who will always be there for me and make me feel things I have never before. Like I never knew you could become so embarrassed because when i'm next to you I just think you are so much better than me and how could I ever even think of competing. When I found out that you loved me I was so shocked yet thankful. Ever since the day met you I  loved you. Just your beauty made me stay up at night. And yes I found myself crying sometimes because you're such a perfect human being and how you chose me. And I know it sounds stupid but I am so grateful for your existence. And don't get me started on how proud I am of you. You've clearly been through alot and I can tell you need the biggest break of them all from everything. Life is cruel and seems to hate you but once you find yourself everything makes sense. And for some people you actually need someone and I have so much gratitude to say that you are that person. I couldn't thank you enough Michael. And just Michael NOT Michael Afton. Because I've learnt something through all the years I've known you. I always credited Afton, your father, for everything but now I know quite well. It was Clara,Terrance, Michael, Evan-Christopher and Elizabeth. Not William Afton. When I say I love the whole franchise, I'm crediting Henry Emily for that. I adore you. I fantasize about you. I desire you. I don't even deserve you. I love you." 

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