Warming up to the new kid

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It's like 1am and I got this sudden spark of inspo😨


Ever since the day we met it's been like he's been following me, not in a stalker way! In a 'Talks to you and attempts to make you your friend' kind of way. And if I'm honest, I think it's working!  

He always greets me when I walk in and somehow sits next to me or near me. And of course, that beautiful smile! But my friends seemed to catch on.

"Michael!" Frederick exclaimed.


"You've been staring at the new kid for the past 20 minutes!" Mark shouted.

"He actually has a name you know!"

"Yeah yeah! But your face was redder than his hair! And I swear your pupils were literal hearts!" Caleb (Chica mask) continued.

Then next thing I know I'm not listening anymore!

"MICHAEL TERRANCE AFTON!" They all screamed together.


Everyone in the hallway looked at us but I was way too startled to care. The bell rang and we had to go to our classes, I had English!

(1 hour into the lesson)

"Now you will be making an information biography about a famous company, you will be working with the person sitting next to you."

I turned to see Noah, I didn't know if I was happy or embarrassed? I think it was both! 

" I will now allow you to talk about your biography."

"So Mikey, can we do the work at your house?"


"You love to space out, don't you?" He said poking me.

"Ok! We'll go together from school to my house! Do you have any ideas of what we could do?"

"Fazbear Entertainment!"

Well he would obviously choose that,what did I expect?


I'm tired but not? I think I'll write another chapter lol.

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