"you ever dated a guy before?" chris asks. he's not gonna bother beating around the bush. he's just going straight in.

max looks over him rather shocked he's asking all these personal questions. the look chris gets makes him quite nervous.

"sorry, if you don't wanna share that's totally fine. i was just curious-"

"no it's totally fine. it's just no one's been this interested in my love life before." max laughs shaking off any awkward tension that lay between them. "i've dated 3 people before. i dated a girl in 9th grade. that only lasted a month or two. she was toxic as fuck," he chuckles, "and then i dated a guy in sophomore year. that lasted around 6 to 8 months but he moved out of state and we decided it was best to end things. and then i dated another guy for about a year and a half in junior year. that one hurt a little more than the others did but i've moved on since then." max tells chris.

"oh cool. you've had quite the history." chris smiles at him.

"yeah, i guess you could say that."

"i'm sorry if this is really rude to ask but do you have a preference? like do you prefer to date guys or girls or non binary's more?" chris asks cautiously.

"well i've never dated a non binary before but im sure it'd be fine. i don't really have a preference but i do find myself being attracted to more men than women." max explains.

"oh ok cool. i'm sorry for all the questions, nicks only into men so i haven't been able to ask many of these kind of questions." chris laughs.

"no that's fine. isn't art bi though? you could talk to him?"

"hmm, i mean yeah but he's always seemed kinda closed off when it comes to talking about dating. just some past stuff he's been through so i don't wanna make him uncomfortable." chris says.

"oh i see, yeah that makes sense."

now chris has talked to max a little more about his sexuality and he's opened up to him, he thinks he's ok with talking about nick a little more.

"for only knowing each other a couple days, you and nick seem to be getting on quite well." chris pulls the trigger on the question. max just looks over at chris and smiles at the mention of nicks name.

"yeah, we have. i'm glad we have. i don't have many friends who are in the lgbtq community. so it's been good to have someone to talk to." max smiles as he talks about the brunette.

"oh that's good. what do you guys mainly talk about?" chris asks.

"well mainly about tiktok and whatever. but we did have a rather interesting conversation yesterday." maxs voice fades out at the end as if trying to erase the sentence but it's too late.

"oh yeah? what about." chris asks casually.

"well, i kinda just told him about something that happened to me when i was younger. something quite personal that i haven't told many people. and he said he had experienced the same kinda thing. and then he just casually brings up the fact that i seem familiar to him and i haven't been able to get it off my mind and it's driving me insane." maxs voice strains near the end of his ramble, chris gives him a rather concerned look before he speaks.

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