Chp. 8 Rescue

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Cheong-san and Y/N take a step back, only for their backs to be pressed against the door. Cheong-san shakily takes out the phone they just got and holds it out, pressing record.

Gwi-nam tilts his head at them, a smirk still present on his face, "This man was trying to kill me," he points to the principal, still holding him tightly, "I'm going to kill him."

"D-don't" Cheong-san starts out shakily, causing Gwi-nam to frown, "I'm recording you, you don't want to get arrested, right?" Cheong-san shakes the phone lightly.

Gwi-nam's frown deepens and in a flash, he slices the knife neatly across the principal's neck. He then tosses the dying principal against a chair. Gwi-nam turns back to Cheong-san who gulps in fear, "Give me that phone."

Cheong-san doesn't say anything but grips the phone tighter, putting it down by his side. We still need the phone to contact the police, he thinks to himself.

Gwi-nam smiles sarcastically and then moves closer to Cheong-san, the knife still in his hand, "Wanna die?"

Finally Y/N snaps out of his daze and steps forward, putting an arm defensively against Cheong-san, "You better not try anything," he threatens, glaring at the taller boy.

Gwi-nam chuckles and stares down at the boy. He smirks as he takes in the attractiveness of Y/N. Gwi-nam enjoys how cute the boy looks while angry and almost forgets to get back the phone. Almost. "Move," he demands, bringing his face closer to Y/N, loving the way he gets slightly flustered at the close proximity.

"N-no," Y/N tries to regain himself, he makes his way closer to Cheong-san, "Stay away," he warns.

Gwi-nam frowns and steps slightly back. Cheong-san then quickly grabs Y/N's hand and races out the room. He drags out Y/N and begins running down the hallway. Though the taller boy quickly out speeds him and Cheong-san ends up being the one behind.

Gwi-nam pops out the room and stalks them down the hallway, a psychotic gleam in his eyes, "You better give back that fucking phone."

Y/N runs faster and Cheong-san struggles to keep up, suddenly there's a whistle in the air, and a knife slams into the boy's back. Cheong-san cries out in pain, causing Y/N to hesitate, wanting to check up on him, but instead he continues to rush down the hallway.

Y/N finally reaches a corner and rushes into the library. His eyes widen as he spots how many zombies there are. Cheong-san whimpers in pain and fear but Y/N is forced to ignore him.

He spots another student on top of one of the bookshelves and immediately starts for the desks, hoping that he can build enough momentum to get onto a shelf. Y/N races up but he quickly realizes he can't jump while holding onto Cheong-san. He stops and looks back at the shorter boy, who is still in aching pain. Gwi-nam then comes into the library and rushes toward the two boys, narrowly avoiding being bitten. "Cheong-san," Y/N grips his shoulder, "I'm going to throw you onto the bookshelf, okay?"

"W-what?" the other boy becomes confused, "Wait, but what about you?"

The zombies and Gwi-nam near the boys and Y/N knows time is running out. Not willing to wait another second he gathers all his strength and grabs Cheong-san, then, he throws him onto the shelf. The shorter boy instinctively grabs on but immediately turns to Y/N. "Y/N! What are you-"

"Just stay safe, okay?" Y/N interrupts, he starts running away, "Don't do something stupid!" he shouts as he leaves the library. He runs out into another hallway, desperate to get away from the zombies, except...Y/N whirls around. None of the zombies are chasing him, they all just ignore him. Is it because...he looks down at his heel. The bite mark is still visible but the blood has crusted over. How is this possible?

Y/N's breaths come out in un-even huffs and he quickly sits down, trying to calm himself down so he can think clearly. What the actual fuck is going on?

He takes a deep breath and lets himself fall to the floor. Man, I'm so tired...but I can't go to sleep now. Y/N sits up and thinks about his situation. So I was bitten by a zombie but...he looks down at his hand, the veins visible, he cups them together and rubs them. They're freezing cold. I can still...think...and control myself. He leans his head against a wall. But I'm dead...I'm like, the actual living dead.

Y/N sighs softly and gets up again, "I have to get Cheong-san." Much earlier he remembered hearing random noises but didn't think twice about it. But, now that he focused, he realized his hearing had become enhanced, but only when he concentrated on it. It's nice that I can control it, he thought to himself. He wandered around the school, searching for the sound of Cheong-san's breaths or voice.

Then he heard it, heavy pants, all belonging to his unrequited love, Cheong-san. Y/N follows it to a silver box-like thing attached to the wall. A banging noise comes from inside and he notices two zombies growl at it hungrily. Y/N throws them away and opens the box, nearly getting kicked in the process.

"Cheong-san," Y/N smiles at him and quickly pulls him out.

"Y/N!" Cheong-san rushes to him and wraps his arms around the taller boy's shoulder. He presses his body into Y/N and sinks into him. But Cheong-san shivers slightly when he's met with cold instead of heat. He still doesn't move away though.

Y/N pushes him away hesitantly, not wanting to end the contact, because zombies quickly take note of Cheong-san's humanity and begin running to him. "We have to take shelter," he informs the other boy, taking a hold of his hand, "C'mon."

Cheong-san nods and follows after Y/N. They make it to the music room and quickly move inside. The boys startle at the sound of a zombie but relax once they see it's trapped beneath a piano. Y/N sits down and Cheong-san follows suit.

They remain in silence for a few moments, each thinking over what to say to the other, when Y/N makes the first move, "How's your wound?" he asks softly.

Cheong-san winces at the reminder, so far adrenaline has been taking care of how painful it is but he knows it won't last. "It's there," he responds quietly.

"Turn around."

Cheong-san stares at Y/N in confusion.

Y/N rolls his eyes and a steady blush comes across his cheeks for what he's about to say, "And lift your shirt up."

Cheong-san becomes even more confused.

"Let me check the wound," Y/N explains.

The shorter boy nods in understanding and turns his back to Y/N, grateful he can't see his flushed face.

Y/N rips a clean piece of his shirt off, then slowly lifts the back of Cheong-san's shirt all the way up, revealing a red cut among the smooth pale skin of his back. The injury isn't as bad as Y/N initially thought, but he knew it must hurt a lot. He tenderly presses the piece of cloth against it and begins to gently wipe away the blood. Cheong-san bites his bottom lip to cope with the pain that shoots through him.

Finally, Y/N pulls back and the cut looks much better now that it's cleaned. He sighs and puts back down Cheong-san's shirt. The shorter boy turns back to him and thanks him.

"It's nothing," Y/N assures, giving Cheong-san a soft smile, "I hope it makes you feel better."

"It does," he answers, nodding lightly. Then Cheong-san's eyes flicker down to Y/N's lips and he realizes how much he wants him to kiss him. How much he just wants to press his lips onto his, how he wants to tangle his fingers in the taller's boy's hair and wrap his arms around his neck. "Y/N," Cheong-san blushes, "Can you kiss me?"

Y/N freezes, stunned by the other boy's words. Do-does he like me...back?  He stares into Cheong-san eyes and looks down into his lips, his soft, plump lips. Then before he can even think he's already moving to Cheong-san, and plants a kiss on those lips, doing what he only ever dreamed about. The shorter boy moves back against the contact, pressing lightly, and Y/N feels like he just tasted heaven.

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