Chp. 11 Escape Again

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Ji-min finishes her message and passes it on to the next person. Most pretend to talk to their parents, but Dae-su sings a song and Su-hyeok simply asks for a bigger allowance. Y/N wonders about his dad as On-jo takes the camera. She cries as she asks why their dad didn't come and her twin feels hopeless. It finally reaches him and at first, he can't bring himself to say anything.

Will this really be my last words? The last the world ever hears from me? Y/N sighs, "Hi," he offers a small smile, "I'm Y/N, and if you're seeing this...I'm probably dead." The other students flinch. "The truth is...everything that's going on is so confusing, all we can do is run back and forth," his expression breaks, "Please help us, please remember us, the ones that no one cared enough to save." Then he smiles again, "I love you On-jo and dad, stay safe...stay alive."

Y/N lowers the camera and stops the recording, he looks back into the faces of his friends. They all look so scared and worried... "We have to get to the roof," Su-hyeok declares, his voice hard and determined.

"What will that even do..." Hyo-ryung hugs her knees to her chest.

"We can make a sign to the helicopters that keep flying over."

"What if they still don't save us?" questions Joon-yeong.

"We have to try."

Silence rests over the group for a few moments. "It's better than being stuck here," states Gyeong-su, looking out the window.

"But we need water too," says Nam-ra quietly. Everyone is reminded of their dry throats, aching for refreshment.

"That true," argrees Y/N, "But getting help is what we need the most right now."

Woo-jin frowns, "Yeah, but how are we even supposed to get on the roof."

"There are too many zombies..." Dae-su groans.

On-jo looks back to the camera in Y/N's hand. She thinks back to when they used the speakers to draw the zombies' attention away. "I have an idea," she stands up and gestures to the TV and camera, "If we can broadcast the choir recording onto the TV, the zombies will go to it," she points to the desks and chairs layed about, "We can make a wall here to divide the room and run out through the other door."

Y/N stands up next to her, "That's brilliant."

"I didn't know you were smart," remarks Dae-su, "You get such bad grades." Both siblings send him a disapproving glare. The other boy shudders.

"Okay," Cheong-san starts, "Let's all make the wall first." Y/N unties him and Nam-ra from Su-hyeok and the students begin to gather all the objects in the room, piling them on top of one another. At first it feels slow and doubts weave themselves into their heads but eventually they finish with the wall.

"Perfect," On-jo dusts off her hands proudly.

"Will it be enough?" Joon-yeong questions, anxiety still plaguing him.

"It'll do its job," Y/N assures him.

Woo-jin broadcasts the singing choir to the TV and the zombies groan outside, "It's now or never," he sighs, "And someone has to open the door."

The group all look to the closed door, a zombie scratching at the window. "I'll do it," Y/N declares, all the students send him worried looks, and Su-hyeok grabs his hand.

"You don't have to..." he says.

Y/N hesitates then shakes off Su-hyeok grip on his hand, "They won't bite me."

"But what if they do?"

"Trust me." Y/N hops over the makeshift wall and heads for the door, sends a small prayer, then slides it open.

Immediately the zombies plummet their way into the room and Y/N quickly jumps back to the other side. The choir reaches a high note as the monsters slam into the wall, romanticizing the whole craziness of everything. Everyone strains against the weight of the zombies and Y/N's muscles tense.

Gyeong-su looks out through the window, "There's still a lot more coming." Hyo-ryung whimpers anxiously.

"We can hold it," Dae-su becomes serious. The footsteps of zombies thud through the ears of the students. The sound of their groaning and growling runs through their heads as though on loop.

"They aren't coming fast enough,"Cheong-san says in between huffs of breath.

"We need to make more noise," Y/N tells the students. His sister, following his instructions, moves away from the wall and grabs a drum lying about. She begins banging it as hard as possible. Soo Ji-min joins her and a few others begin making as much noise as possible.

"Come at us you ugly ass monsters!" Gyeong-su shouts out.

"We'll fuck you up!" Y/N joins in.

Dae-su roars, "Come on you slow idiots!"

The group begins shouting whatever they can think of, taking out their closeted fear and anger on the zombies. Eventually, the footsteps fade away and Woo-jin informs them that there are no more left in the hallway.

"We have to go now!" he shouts to his friends.

"Do it one at a time," Su-hyeok reminds them all. The students each begin leaving until at lasy they're all in the hallway. They rush through it, grateful that it's clear, but soon they run into more zombies.

"C'mon we have to hurry," Joon-yeong urges the group as they run up the stairs.

"They're so close," Hyo-rung cries, almost tripping.

"We have to keep going," Y/N grabs her wrists and pulls her along with him, "It's our only chance."

He looks ahead into the seemingly never-ending staircase, We have to escape.

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