Author's Note

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Here are some details that might help you better understand the story.

So you and On-jo have a really close relationship where you rely on each other for a lot of things. You bicker a lot but love each other a lot too. 

Your relationship with Cheong-san is as close as On-jo and his were, except maybe even a little closer. You have liked him for the same amount of time that he has liked On-jo but, only recently have you noticed his love for her. 

You don't know Su-hyeok very well and you never hang out one on one, only in groups. So the zombie incident is your first time really talking to him.

Your pretty close to Gyeong-su and you and Cheong-san form a three person friend group (Su-hyeok is close mainly with just Cheong-san).

Also your friends with Mi-jin through being smoking buddies. 

Some details about you are that your 5'9 or 175 cm. You are really good at basketball and play the position of point guard. Your grades are pretty good, your not at the top but a good amount higher than average. 

Hope you enjoy, though this is my first time, and if not please give me some feedback on how I can do better. I'll be updating whenever but hopefully at least twice a week.

Leftovers~All of us are deadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora