Chp. 17 Memories

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POV switch (this is the first and probably only pov switch I'll ever do)


Right after Y/N leaves...

The silence becomes overwhelming to the students and Cheong-san can't stop thinking about Y/N. And the more he thinks, the more he realizes he wants him, badly. Cheong-san stands up and walks away from the fire, "I'm going after him."

Gyeong-suk startles, "What? Why? Y/N can take care of himself."

Cheong-san frowns, "I don't care, I want to be with him."

"I'll come with you then," Su-hyeok stands up as well, "You'll get hurt if you go alone."

The other boy glares at him, "No thanks, I'll be with Y/N, we don't need you."

"You'll get yourself killed," Su-hyeok crosses his arms, "And that would only hurt Y/N."

Cheong-san takes a step closer to the boy, "He's my best friend, and I won't get myself killed."

"If you really want to be a good best friend then you should stay here, and I'll be with Y/N."

The boy grits his teeth, "You know he likes me better, right?"

Su-hyeok doesn't understand the meaning behind his words, "What the hell are you talking about?"

Cheong-san becomes frustrated, "You know I like him too!" suddenly the other boy understands what he means, along with all the other students, "And he belongs to me, I had him first."

The other boy tilts his head to one side, "What are you talking about?"

"He and I-" Cheong-san catches On-jo's eyes, he takes in her confusion, layered on top of deep hurt, "We-um...just...never mind." He takes a seat back down, "Forget I said anything..." He thinks of when he kissed Y/N for the second time. Why is everything so confusing?

Su-hyeok sighs and furrows his eyebrows, I thought Cheong-san liked On-jo...He looks back to the campfire but doesn't go back. He has a point though...I should go after Y/N and make sure he's okay. "Everyone," the group turns to him, "I'm going with Y/N," he announces. Then he rushes out.

The boy makes his way down the stairs, footsteps echoing through the empty staircase. He hears the soft growls and groans of zombies but ignores them. As he walks down he fills his head with thoughts of Y/N. His smile, his eyes, his lips, his laugh. Honestly, I have no reason to come after him, I know he'll be fine...but I just want to see him. I want to be near him.

Finally, Su-hyeok makes it to the right level, but instantly catches the attention of multiple zombies who were walking through the hall. They begin running towards him and he quickly makes his way into the nearest room, sealing the door behind him. The zombies' bodies pelt against the semi-fragile door but it ultimately holds its ground. He lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding and slumps his body to the floor.

Eventually, the zombies give up and wander off. Su-hyeok stays in the same place and thinks back to when he first met Y/N. They were all completely new to the school and he knew no one. He had ended up being the last to come and felt humiliated at being late. When he looked around the room, to see who his future classmates were, he felt intimidated by their stares. But then his eyes landed on Y/N, the only one who wasn't looking at him. Instead, he was staring out the window, completely focused on whatever he was looking at. But in the end, he felt Su-hyeok's eyes and finally looked at him. And when he saw the other boy he gave a warm smile. He instantly felt so much better and at that moment, he knew he had fallen in love.

Right after Su-hyeok left...

Cheong-san watches his friend leave in stunned silence. Though it doesn't take long before he begins heading after him. But, just as his body starts moving he feels something pull him back.

On-jo meets his eyes, "I can't lose both Y/N and you." He stops and looks down at her hand clinging to a piece of his vest. "Can't you just stay with me," she pleads.

Finally, the boy relents and takes a seat back down. The other students glance among each other, unsure of what to say. Cheong-san stares at the fire and watches it dance against the dark sky. What am I supposed to do?

He feels On-jo grab his hand, her hand has somehow kept its warmth. The boy squeezes it back giving away his own warmth, and they stay still for a few moments. Then she begins talking to him, "How long have you liked my brother?"

Cheong-san freezes, "Oh-uh, um-I-uh, well..." He blushes despite everything.

"I can't believe I never noticed," she half laughs, but it sounds broken.

"I didn't like him."

On-jo startles and holds the boy's gaze, "What...?"

"Uh," Cheong-san sighs, "I mean...I haven't always liked him and I still can't believe I even admitted I did-uh-well anyway..." He leans back, "On-jo...I used to like you."

"What do you mean? You liked me...? Since when?"

"Since forever," he answers softly.

She looks away from him, "I'm glad you don't like me anymore."

Cheong-san puts his hands like a cushion behind his head, "I guess so." Maybe it's better that I don't have feelings for her anymore. But liking Y/N hurts a lot more. He sighs. Why do I even like him all of a sudden?

He thinks back to when he and Y/N first started middle school. At the time Cheong-san was constantly pestered about being short because he didn't receive his growth spurt till much later. One day two upperclassmen were pushing him around and ordering him around, when Y/N spotted them. The boy immediately talked back to the bullies and pulled Cheong-san away. He brought him outside to a random corner and gave him one of his snacks.

Cheong-san noticed that it was Y/N's favorite and the other boy had always hated sharing. So when he let him have one it meant the world. He ate it happily and thanked him over and over again. Y/N had smiled brightly and kissed him on the forehead. Cheong-san became confused and the other boy turned a deep shade of red. He quickly told him to forget about it, but secretly the other boy enjoyed it. Cheong-san grinned to himself and punched Y/N in the shoulder saying that he was the best.

Then he leaned his head on Y/N's shoulder and closed his eyes, chewing softly on the snack. The other boy started petting Cheong-san's head and eventually, he started to feel sleepy. He smiled and whispered that Y/N really was the best person he had ever met. 

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