Chp. 16 Habits

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Everyone swivels their heads to Su-hyeok. The boy reddens under the gaze of all the students but tries his best to ignore it. "It's true..." he stares into Y/N's eyes, "I like you Y/N, I've liked you since the first day of high school." Y/N opens his mouth but closes it back up, a blush spreads over his cheeks. "I'm sorry it took a whole apocalypse for me to admit it," Su-hyeok smiles sheepishly, "But I hope you'll accept my feelings."

The students switch to watching Y/N and he feels nervous, "Su-hyeok...I" Cheong-san. Su-hyeok. Cheong-san. Su-hyeok. Su-hyeok...Cheong-san. What about On-jo?

Cheong-san's mind goes blank at his best friend's confession to his other best friend. He finds he can't think of anything. But is overcome with the desire to punch Su-hyeok and shout out that Y/N was his. Wait, that doesn't make sense. Y/N isn't I want him to be? No, no, no. This is weird. I kissed him though. I kissed Y/N, so isn't he mine? Y/N said he liked me. Not Su-hyeok. So he's mine, right? Wait, wait...I can't think straight.

"Su-hyeok," Y/N stands up, he looks to his sister, she stares at him, eyes wide, heart shattered. How could I forget...? On-jo is my twin. She likes Su-hyeok. But I think I like him too. What the hell do I do? This is too too complicated. "I need more time," he finally states, he looks away from On-jo.

Su-hyeok looks slightly hurt, "Ah...okay, that's fine." He smiles but it's not genuine. Everyone sits there in silence for a long, awkward moment. No one knows what to say.

Y/N sighs and runs a hand through his hair, "We were talking about crushes, right? How about you Woo-jin, do you like anyone?"

The students are still for a few more seconds until, "Uh, no..." Woo-jin answers. The atmosphere resumes its tense state.

God...this is suffocating, Y/N thinks to himself. Then he thinks back to when they were music room. Dae-su had said something about there being snacks stored inside there. Last time we couldn't get to them without alerting the zombies...but if I go alone, it should be fine. He looks around the fire at his friends, we need food and water.

Y/N stands up, "I'm going to get food," he announces. Everyone stares blankly at him, not understanding the context of his words. He clears his throat, "Um, I mean, remember how there are snacks stored in the music room? I'll be fine if I go get them." The students finally understand. Still, no one really knows how to continue conversation.

"Y/N..." Su-hyeok starts, but he can't meet the boy's eyes, "Are you sure?"

"Y-yeah, it's..." he stands up, "The least I could do."

"You should take someone else," Gyeon-suk suggests, the atmosphere loosens slightly.

"Yeah," Ji-min agrees hesitantly, "It's dangerous."
"That's exactly why I'm going alone," Y/N argues, he begins to walk to the roof door, "Don't worry about me, I'll be back." Then he opens the door, before closing it again. "Oh, and I'll knock four times when I'm here." Finally he goes through and the door clicks behind him. The sound echoes through the empty staircase and he shivers from the cold.

Y/N begins heading down, most of the zombies have cleared by this point and he's relieved by it. However, it's really dark and he can barely see in front of him. He goes further until he eventually reaches the music room's floor. The moment he begins walking down the hall, he notices a few zombies on the level. They awkwardly walk through it, limbs bent at awkward angles. Y/N cringes, Thank god I didn't end up like that.

But then the boy hears a strange noise, intense wet crunching noises, it disturbs him deeply. They grow louder the closer he comes to the music room. A familiar fear enters his mind and he prepares himself for whatever he might find. But nothing could prepare him for what he sees.

There, in the middle of the music room, he watches a zombie eating Na-yeon whole. He stares at her glassy eyes for a second, they reflect the moonlight coming from the windows, seeing nothing. For whatever reason, he's a bit transfixed by the strangeness of them before fully processing what's happening. Y/N jumps back, "What the fuck!" he shouts.

The zombie turns to him and he suddenly realizes it's not actually a zombie, but Gwi-nam. The other boy wipes his bloodied mouth, "Oh, hey." He smirks.

Y/N looks back to the dead body underneath him, "Is that...why are you...?" He can't organize his thoughts. How can he even eat...isn't he just a half-zombie, so why...?

Gwi-nam tilts his head, "Are you wondering why I'm eating her?" He slowly gets up and nears Y/N. The boy instinctively takes a step back and he grins wider. Gwi-nam pulls Y/N close to him and leans down. "It's cause I'm hungry," he whispers in his ear.

Y/N reddens and pushes the other boy away from him. Gwi-nam doesn't mind his resistance, It's cute, he thinks. "You're not a full zombie," Y/N's tone is stern, "You don't need to eat people." He glares at Gwi-nam.

The boy simply smiles, "Is that what you really think?" He comes close to him again, "Aren't you hungry?"

Y/N remains firm but he can feel his empty stomach craving for food. Yeah, food, not human meat. So why does...why does Na-yeon...why does she smell so good?

Gwi-nam brings his face only inches away from his, "I know you're hungry..." Y/N can smell the blood on it, he feels even more starved, his stomach aching for something foreign to him, "Don't you want to share her? She's already dead..." Gwi-nam starts playing with Y/N's hair, He's right, she's already dead. So...if I eat's not like I killed her. It's not bad if eat her now...I'm so hungry too. It's fine, cause she's already dead. I can't save her now.

He walks over to the dead body and sits down next to it, I'm so hungry...His stomach aches for food. I'm so hungry. Then he leans his head down onto the already exposed inner stomach and takes a bit. The second the meat enters his mouth it feels like the most delicious thing he ever had in his entire life. He wants more and finds himself chewing piece after piece. Eventually, he notices Gwi-nam join him, but he's too hungry to care. Too hungry to really think about what he's doing. 

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