Chapter 45

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Nyx had spent the next few hours fucking Arabella all the ways she liked it. They'd done it on the throne like she'd promised, they'd done it in the hallway on the way to her bed, they'd done it on the bed and then once more in the bath.

Nyx could go again and again if he wanted to, but he didn't want to tire her out. Listening to her sweet moans and rough curses had been the most magical thing to his ears. But it was only second to her saying those three fated words. I love you. She had moaned it over and over again and Nyx couldn't get enough.

"I'll be back", Nyx said, gently kissing Arabella on the head as he sat her on the bed.

As Nyx went to fetch them both a glass of water before going to sleep for the night. He did not expect to find Azriel lurking in the kitchen. Both of them swore at the same time, Azriel turning around and Nyx hiding his very naked crotch with the closest thing he could find; an empty plate.

"Oh, for cauldrons sake!" Azriel cursed.

"Uncle Az what the fuck?!" Nyx hissed as he shuffled behind the kitchen counter so Azriel could turn around.

"I didn't expect you to be naked!" Azriel grumbled.

"You can turn around", Nyx sighed, "and what did you think I'd been doing here for the last few days?"

The question was rhetorical and made Azriel roll his eyes, "your dad sent me".

"Well, clearly I'm busy", Nyx stated in a duh-tone.

"It's serious Nyx", Azriel replied simply.

"What is it?" Nyx sighed.

"Your mother is giving birth".

Nyx's jaw practically hit the floor, "now?!" He questioned, "I though she wasn't due for a month".

"She's early", he stated, "now get changed and help us look after your dad, he's going nuts".

"Shit", Nyx cursed.

He was quick to winnow directly back into Arabella's room, where he'd been keeping his stuff. Noting his frazzled state, Arabella had sat up in bed looking concerned.

"What's happening?" She questioned.

"I have to get home, my mother is giving birth", he rambled as he quickly dressed.

"Well, shit. I'll come with you", she said getting out of bed as well.

Nyx noticed the way she hobbled over, she was clearly still hurting from their latest endeavours.

"You don't have to", he frowned, "you're still sore".

She shot him a glare, "like hell I'm staying in bed just because some guy fucked me".

"Some guy", Nyx said rolling his eyes, "I'm your boyfriend".

"Yeah but I'm better than some good sex", she teased as she threw a shirt on.

"So you think the sex was good?" He smirked.

"Focus, Nyx!"

"I am!" He huffed as he rushed out to catch up with Azriel.

Arabella followed behind, hiding her soreness well from Azriel who gave her a sheepish nod of acknowledgment. Nyx still hadn't tied up his laces but he grabbed Arabella by the waist and pulled her in.

"Where are we winnowing to?" Nyx asked Azriel as he straightened out her shirt.

"Just the estate", he replied simply, "I'll meet you both there. Bit of a warning, when I said Rhys was going nuts, I meant it".

And with that Azriel was gone.

Nyx quickly tied his shoes while Arabella got ready to winnow. Nyx shook his head.

"I'll winnow us", he said calmly, "you're still sore and tired I don't want you to risk it".

Arabella huffed and crossed her arms, "I'm not that tired you know? I was actually hoping you were coming back for another round".

Nyx kissed her on the cheek, "we have all the time in the world for sex, but I need you to feel better first, sleep is important".

"Fine", she sighed, "but don't - for one second - think that I'm not helping your poor mother, being a month early is super dangerous".

"I wouldn't dream of it", Nyx kissed her temple before grabbing her waist and winnowing them to the estate.

Instantly, you knew where everything was going down. Feyre's screams were loud and it was obviously coming from the lounge room. Nyx grabbed Arabella's hand and they ran to the source of the noise. Azriel was already waiting for them at the door.

"Nyx come with me, I need your help with your dad".

Nyx didn't have time to argue as Azriel grabbed his wrist and they winnowed to his dad's office. Arabella was left in the lounge room to help Feyre.
Rhysand was pacing his office space back and forth, Cassian was guarding the door.

"What's happening?" Nyx directed the question to Cassian but his dad answered.


An accusing finger was pointed at Cassian and Azriel. Nyx raised a brow at them in question. It did seem a little unfair that Rhys couldn't be near his mates side.

"He was stressing her out", Azriel answered.

"He kept worrying that she was going to die which then cause her to worry. He was no help at all", Cassian huffed.

"Dad", Nyx sighed turning back to his father, "you've got to keep your cool. They aren't going to let you in if you're acting like a moron".

Rhys shot him a deadly glare, "I'm not a moron".

Nyx shrugged, "an idiot then?"

His father didn't answer as he continued pacing. Nyx was stressed too but he wasn't going to show his fear in front of his dad. Instead he used his daemati powers to talk to Arabella.

What's happening over there? He asked.

Everything is fine, she's almost done.

Are you okay?

I'm good. You don't need to check on me every five seconds.

He could hear her laugh down the bond and it made a shiver run down his spine.

I'm just checking...

I know and I love you for it.

His heart swelled but Arabella had already left his mind. Gods did he love her. He couldn't wait to have her in his arms again, he just wanted to hold her and caress her.

Nyx cleared his throat, "Arabella said everything is fine over there, it should only be a few more minutes".

Rhys was practically pulling at his hair, "what if it goes wrong and I'm not there? What if I can't reach her in time?"

"Dad!" Nyx grabbed his father by the shoulders, "stop being irrational, and that's coming from me".

"I'm worried", his dad whispered.

"I know".

Nyx squeezed his dad's shoulders in understanding. Before they could talk more, the office door opening signalled hope.

"Your welcome to come and greet your new baby daughter", the nurse said smiling.

"Daughter", Rhys sighed in relief.

In a flash Nyx's dad was gone and Nyx followed behind at a far calmer pace. Nyx had a little sister and he couldn't wipe the smile from his face.

A/N: y'all know I had to do one last Azriel catching Nyx scene, it's become an iconic part of this book. I don't know how often I'll be updating during the Christmas season but I'll do my best

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