Chapter 42

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Much to Arabella's disappointment, their first night did not involve any sex. Nyx had insisted that she got one night of decent sleep since she'd been living in a cell for a long time. Instead, their night consisted of gentle cuddling and soft kisses. Nyx had held her tight, their legs intertwined and blankets thrown over them. It was heartwarming to see Nyx so caring and so kind. He had run his hand up and down her arm telling her that she needed to rest and only once he was convinced she was fully rested would they have any kind of sex.

"And how will you have me?" She had asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Nyx had paused before he responded, "however you want me to".

Arabella had blushed profusely, a response barely stuttering out of her, "are y-you sure?"

He chuckled deeply, his breath fanning across her cheek, "of course, darling".

Nyx had dreamt of Arabella since they first met. She was like an angel standing across the High Lord meeting table, a focused and stern look on her face. She had glared at him for staring and in that moment he knew he had to know her, to make her laugh, to make her smile, to make her blush.

"Rest", he had crooned.

Arabella snuggled into him further, no position seemed close enough. His scent enveloped her and she feel asleep with a smile on her face.

She was glad he was here, Arabella could not fathom living in this empty castle by herself. She had no friends or family except for Nyx now.

The next morning Arabella frowned at the empty space beside her. Almost instantaneously the smell of something cooking tickled her nose. She jumped out of bed and padded into the kitchen, watching as Nyx laboured over a hot stove. He was cooking bacon and eggs as he turned around to smile at her, Arabella sat at the breakfast bar as she watched him work.

"Good morning", he said softly as he poured her a cup of warm tea.

Arabella lent down to breathe in the warm steam but she paused mid-sip, "contraceptive tea?"

She couldn't help but raise a brow, he had truely thought of everything.

"What?" He jested, "I'm not ready to be a father".

Arabella laughed as Nyx began piling their plates with food. Arabella sipped on her tea as Nyx walked around the table to sit beside her.

"So what's the plan today, your highness?" Nyx asked as he began eating his food.

"Sex...?" She said confused.

Nyx smirked, "well obviously but you said you had High Lady stuff to complete, I'm not going to ruin your productivity".

Arabella scoffed, she found that highly unlikely, "I have some official contracts to sign that officially make me High Lady".

Nyx clasped his hands together, "wonderful, don't forget to invite me to your crowning".

Arabella rolled her eyes, Nyx was seriously going to make her work today? Couldn't they just get to the sex already?

After they finished their breakfast Nyx did the dishes while Arabella excused herself to her office. The piles of paperwork were daunting to say the least, but after a few minutes, Arabella had organised them to the best of her ability. Sitting down in the head chair, Arabella began reading through the documents she had to sign. She was so focused she didn't hear Nyx enter until he lounged in the chair opposite her, his feet were kicked up over the armrest but his eyes were watching her.

"Yes?" She asked.

He smirked, "keep reading, don't mind me".

It was hard to focus on her reading when his eyes were following her every movement. Just as she had regained focus, the sound of Nyx leaving the chair caught her attention. He walked around the desk slowly as if he were trying to read over her shoulder, but by the scent in the air something else was about to occur.

His hands rested on her shoulders before they slowly trailed down to her hips. He leaned into her ear as his hands tightened around her waist.

"Keep reading", he whispered.

Any words she could've said were lodged in her throat as Nyx began kissing her neck, his hands tightening on her waist. Arabella gasped as he bit and kissed everywhere he could reach, when he tugged on her earlobe, she dropped her pen.

He paused in movements, a hand reached forward and placed the pen back in Arabella's.

"Don't you have some papers to sign, darling?"

His voice was taunting and slow, a shiver went down her spine. Grasping the pen in her hand with a firmer grip, Arabella reached to sign the space at the bottom of the page. As her pen hit paper, Nyx's finger travelled past her waistband. His fingers continued their path slowly, leaving Arabella breathless.

"Focus on the page. You stop, I stop", he whispered.

Arabella whined as her shaking hands tried to form a coherent signature. But Nyx was teasing her folds, and Arabella's hips bucked subconsciously. The end of her signature went off in a strange pattern, but Nyx moved that page away and pulled the next contract forward.

Just like he said, his fingers stopped moving until she picked up the pen again. She was halfway through the first paragraph when he finally inserted a finger, causing Arabella to gasp.

"Shhh", he whispered, peppering kisses down her neck, "you're doing so well".

Nyx continued his slow, taunting rhythm and Arabella tried to multitask as she read the page and began riding his hand. The motion had caused Nyx to mumble something incoherently, Arabella had smirked at her small win in their game. As punishment, his speed got slower and he inserted another finger.

"Please", Arabella muttered.

"Please what?"

Arabella wasn't sure what she was begging for, but a halt to her forced reading would be nice, she wanted to turn around and kiss him, not keep her eyes on the page.

"Let me stop", she whined.

A low chuckled came from behind her.

"No", he said simply.

Another gasp fell past her lips as he picked up their speed. Arabella was blubbering incoherently as she tried to sign all the papers in front her, the quicker she signed them, the quicker she could turn around.

The tension in her stomach was building and only continued to as Nyx sucked on her neck, her head falling back in ecstasy.

"Are you reading them thoroughly?" He whispered.

"Yes, yes, please don't stop", Arabella moaned, her coming around to grasp Nyx's jaw.

Truth was her eyes were closed and Nyx didn't seem to mind as a hand felt Arabella waist and he began pumping himself.

"Fuck", he hissed, the game had been thrown out the window.

Arabella rode his hand, her hand was clasped around his wrist to prevent him from removing them, Nyx was pumping himself behind her, his eyes following her movements with feral glee.

"Oh fuck, be a good girl and keep riding me like that", he moaned.

Arabella picked up her speed, her breasts bouncing with her as Nyx's head rested on her shoulder. He was pumping himself faster now, in order to catch up with the pressure building in her stomach.

"Nyx", Arabella moaned, a clear sign she was close.

Nyx began kissing her neck again, his movements getting sloppy as he too drew closer to his release.

In a crescendo of moans they both came at the same time. Nyx continued kissing her neck as she rode out her orgasm, still rocking back and forth on his fingers. They were both out of breath when Nyx subtracted his fingers and sucked them clean.

"Cauldron", Nyx groaned, a thin sheet of sweat on his brow.

Arabella adjusted her clothing, "you don't want a round 2?"

Nyx huffed a laugh, "I'll keep going until you can't walk, my love".

A/N: I'm baaaackk. I didn't proofread this like at all so apologies if there are any mistakes.

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