Chapter 7

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Arabella had been waiting in the library for twenty minutes. Nyx was late, and she was exhausted from training with the Valkyries, she just wanted Daemati training to be over with.

Valkyrie training had been great. Everybody was really nice, she learnt heaps of cool new tricks and even met Azriel's mate, Gwyn. But they had absolutely worked her to her fullest, flying to the library had been an effort, she knew she'd get nowhere with daemati training today. Yet she had still shown up to be polite and yet, Nyx seemed unable to do the same.

When she did finally hear footsteps coming towards her, she was fully prepared to give Nyx a piece of her mind. However, when he walked in, he was smiling. Not smirking like she usually saw from him, but smiling like the time with his friends had lightened his day. Suddenly she didn't feel like being mean.

"You're late", was all she said.

"Sorry", Nyx sat down on the couch opposite her, wings disappearing as he sat, "I lost track of time".

He was still smiling and a small, very small, part of Arabella wished it was her who gave him that smile.

"You seem happy", it came out more accusing than she hoped.

He raised a brow, "am I not allowed to be?"

Of course he was allowed to be, but Arabella had worked her ass off all morning and she was exhausted and tired, and he had been running around with his friends. Arabella didn't have friends back at the Dawn Court. People were either too scared or too jealous to be her friend. There was Zachary, but that was a different story.

Arabella sighed, "sorry I'm tired and grumpy".

He tilted his head, perhaps surprised at her honesty, "were they harsh with training this morning?"

Arabella nodded, fighting the urge to close her eyes, "they had me training with the Valkyries. It was exhausting".

Nyx smiled softly, "what can I do to help?"

"Not make me do daemati training", she joked.


"What?" Arabella sat up, "just like that?"

He shrugged, "you seemed worn out enough. Spend the afternoon napping on the couch if you like".

The couches were soft...

"I was expecting more of a fight", Arabella said confused.

"I won't make you over work yourself", he said casually.

"You must be sick or something", Arabella said as she snuggled into the couch.

"Why?" Nyx quirked a brow.

"Because you aren't usually this kind to me".

Nyx laughed, "Arabella", he said softly, "I want nothing but the best for you".

Arabella blushed but hid it by snuggling down deeper and closing her eyes.

"Read me something", she said spontaneously, if only to avoid awkward silence.

"Okay, what would you like me to read?" Nyx said and Arabella heard him get off the couch and begin browsing the books.


Nyx hummed as he browsed before seeming to find the perfect one and returning to his spot on the couch.

"Would you like me to do voices for the characters?" Nyx said and Arabella could hear his smile.

"Is there any other way to read a book?" Arabella said eyes still closed because they were too heavy to open.

Nyx chuckled, "one bedtime story for Bella coming right up!"

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