Chapter 22

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Arabella had not made a decision.

She had thought about what Nyx had said, she had felt the mating bond inside her glow at the prospect. But she couldn't blindly jump into a relationship, she was a logical person, a practical person.

Nyx was not.

Realistically, their relationship would never work, it would crumble and break, and they'd be left more hurt than they would've been if she rejected him. But, unfortunately, Nyx had rubbed off on Arabella, because idealistically, they could work.
They could move mountains together, build a better Prythian, improve their lands and support each other through each obstacle.

"Are you okay, Arabella?" Feyre asked from across the table, "you've barely touched your food".

Arabella frowned at the scrambled eggs in front of her. She wasn't hungry.

"Yeah, I'm fine".

Feyre looked to her mate for support but Rhys merely shrugged, his face seeming to say "teenager things I guess".
Mate. Arabella had a mate. And he was kind, caring, willing to sacrifice his own happiness for her, Nyx was perfect.

Azriel's shadows subtly nudged her arm, making her look in his direction. A question was in his eyes, and real concern shone there too. Arabella gave him a tight lipped smile, what could she say?
The news of the mating bond had been thrust upon her so suddenly, her mind raced with a thousand thoughts. She wished it was a simple decision, but there were far too many pieces at play.

"Would you like to train this morning?" Azriel asked Arabella.

It was usually Cassian that trained Arabella, so she knew this was Azriel's attempt at getting her alone so they could talk. She would allow it.

"That sounds lovely".


While training sounded nice, the weather did not agree. "We'll train outside" Azriel had said, because at the time the sky was blue and the sun warmed their skin. But, thirty minutes in and they were drenched. Azriel had refused Arabella's pleas to move their training indoors, so now she was grumpy and wet. Azriel did not relent during their training, every punch was precise and every move was calculated. Arabella did not get a single hit in, she thought that perhaps Azriel should be the famous general of the Night Court, but no, it was clear his skills laid in torture and pain, because this training session was torture and pain.

"Can we stop already?!" Arabella shouted over the howling wind.

Azriel didn't answer, only continuing his attack.

"This is ridiculous", Arabella gritted out.

Arabella was bruised and sore, she was both hot and cold. She would rather throw herself off the balcony at the House of Wind than spend another minute in this weather. Her bones ached and she had the unnecessary feeling to cry. Why her? Why did all this pressure have to be thrown onto her? She was only young, she had so much time and yet she worried for her future every second of the day.

"STOP!" Arabella shouted, although she didn't realise she hadn't said it aloud but rather screamed it into Azriel's head.

Azriel blinked and stumbled at the shock of it. It was then Arabella realised what she'd done, her teeth were still gritted in anger, she had finally used her daemati powers.

She laughed at the irony. At the lowest point of her life, she finally manages to successfully talk to someone mind-to-mind, typical.

Azriel was breathing heavily, his shadows even seemed repulsed by the heavy rain.

"Come on", he said clutching her wrist, "let's go inside".

The terrible feel of winnowing passed and suddenly they were in the House of Wind. Arabella immediately rushed towards the fireplace, practically thrusting herself in its warmth. Azriel breathed a deep sigh of relief at the warmth, his shadows seemed to venture closer to it as well.

"Never make me do that again", Arabella grumbled as she tried to get closer to the fire.

Azriel chuckled, "it's only a little rain".

"A little?!", Arabella gasped, "I'm drenched".

Azriel sat down on a chair next to the fireplace while Arabella remained on the ground hoping to soak up as much warmth as possible.

"You managed to use your daemati abilities", he said simply, as if that was his motive all along.

Arabella rolled her eyes, "that's not why you wanted me to train with you".

"Isn't it?" He asked raising a brow.

Arabella shook her head, "you wanted to ask me what was wrong".

He shrugged, turning his gaze to the crackling fire.

"I thought you'd tell me when you were ready, besides, my shadows already told me the facts".

Curse those pesky shadows.

"The facts?" Arabella asked curiously.

Azriel nodded calmly, "you returned stressed after speaking to Nyx, unless my nephew is really that bad in bed, I'd say he told you about the mating bond".

Arabella sat up, "you knew?!"

Azriel chuckled, "Nyx practically screamed it when he found out, I'd never seen him that stressed and excited all in one".

"Do they all know?"

It would be embarrassing to know that she was this oblivious. She prided herself on her ability to learn things and decipher people, had she truely been that off the mark?

"Yes, they all know".

Arabella gulped, she wasn't sure whether this made her choice easier or harder. Did they all talk about her behind her back as well?

"What are you going to say?" Azriel asked, his gaze suddenly more serious and Arabella felt like she was in an interrogation.

"To Nyx?"

He nodded.

Arabella sighed, "I don't know, I want to say yes, but it's not that simple. I have a court and people who I need to look after. I don't want to say yes if it'll end in heartbreak".

Azriel thought for a moment before saying, "mates are rare, I was glad I found Gwyn. Don't throw it away if there is a chance it might work".

A/N: Yes, yes, I'm back bitches. I'll do my best to not disappear again but no promises.

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