Chapter 27

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Arabella thought it'd be easier seeing him, especially since she knew the truth. It was clear he had planned to shock her, he had made a grand entrance at dinner time, his old comrades from the Royal Guard glaring at him fiercely. Arabella thought she'd prepared herself for this moment; the big reveal. But her heart had stopped in her throat, and her stomach dropped. She felt paralysed.

Torin had immediately begun to grovel for forgiveness. He had muttered his apologies and explained the scenario in hushed tones. The surprise and betrayal on Thesan's face was far worse than her own. She knew this was coming, Rhys had warned her, and yet, she could not breathe.

Foolish, she was foolish in thinking she could best this. She no longer had the support of Torin like she did before, she had no idea where Thesan stood. As Zachery waltzed in like he owned the place, Arabella felt helpless.

"Arabella", he sighed her name as if he'd been waiting to say it for a long time, "I have missed you".

She was still frozen in time. Zachery looked the same as he had when he was kicked out of the court, like a lying piece of shit.

"Fuck you", she hissed and her words were like venom straight into her victim's heart, but it was not Zachery she looked at when she spoke those words, but her father.

"Bella", Torin begged, reaching for her hand, "you must hear me out, you have to understand".

"I understand perfectly fine", she said holding back the tears that threatened to spill, "while I was tending to you in hospital, you had been planning to stab me in the back".

Arabella stood from the dinner table and immediately left the room, ignoring their pleas and apologies. Fuck them.

She could hear him follow her, he stepped lightly but after many years she'd begun to recognise when he was coming. Quickly and quietly she diverted into the study. He wants to talk? Fine, they'll talk.

Arabella leant against the desk, breathing deeply, trying to calm her nerves. She was more powerful than when he had last seen her, she had trained with some of the best warriors in the Night Court, learnt how to use her daemati powers and she could winnow now. She was stronger than he'd ever seen her. That thought offered some comfort in her panicked state.

The study door creaked open slowly, cautiously. Zachery stepped into the room casually.

"Arabella, that was quite rude", he stated plainly, factually, as if she was his to command.

"It was, but he deserved it", she said in equal calm.

Arabella didn't miss the slight twitch of Zachery's facial expression, the only evidence that he was shocked at her calmness.

"Are you not excited to see me?" He furrowed his brows. Did he really believe that she would? Was he that delusional?

"Why would I be? You aim to make my life miserable, in what pretentious, narcissistic part of your brain made you think that I would be happy to see you?!" Arabella resisted the urge to grow angry, he would see that as weakness.

Zachery's lips thinned in frustration, "I only wish to protect you".

"The only thing I need protecting from is you".

"You don't mean that".

"I've never meant anything more".

"But you love me".

"I did".

Arabella had loved Zachery, and for a long time she had excused him for the things he did, ignored the signs. However, it took her a lot longer to forgive herself for forgiving him.

Her love was in the past. The past is exactly where Zachery should be.

"That doesn't matter", Zachery stated gaining his confidence back, "you are my fiancé whether you like it or not. And there is nothing you can do to escape me this time".

Before she could even allow her thoughts to wonder to him, a sharp, angry tug on the bond forced her breath to hitch.

Nyx. He knows the truth now, he would be livid. She just wished she didn't have to feel his betrayal down the bond.

"Leave", Arabella hissed.

"Use your manners, honey".

Arabella gritted her teeth. He wanted to play this game, then she'd entertain him, at least for the moment.

"Please leave", she forced out.

"Of course", He turned to leave and then paused, "your father told me you'd been in the Night Court for a few months, I sure hope you haven't made any attachments, I don't share".

Arabella clenched her fist tightly.

"Have a lovely evening, fiancé", he smiled before closing the door behind him.

Arabella sighed, her shoulders slackening, her hands falling to her sides.

That soul-sucking prick was going to get what was coming to him, and in that moment Arabella swore justice would come from her hand.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter I've been lacking inspiration, if you have any ideas let me know :)

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