Chapter 32

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Rhysand punched Nyx straight in the ribs. They'd been sparring up at the House of Wind for almost an hour. Nyx had tried to subtly suggested sparring to his father with the hidden purpose of releasing all his pent-up anger. Leaving Arabella at that dreadful place was one of the most painful things he had ever had to do. He knew Rhys would already suspect this, but of course, his anger had only been elevated by finally having sex with Arabella. Although, Nyx suspected his father already knew about it too, despite the obvious scratches on his back, Nyx had made no attempt to cover his scent once he left the Dawn Court. Perhaps he selfishly wanted to gloat on the fact that Arabella had chosen him or maybe it was stupid, either way, it helped quench the need to fly back to the Dawn Court and do it all again.

"Break", Rhysand said stopping his attack and b-lining to the water station.

Nyx huffed, he was nowhere near spent and wanted to keep going. Reluctantly he made his way over to the water table, accepting the glass his dad handed him.

"Did you speak with Arabella last night?" Rhysand asked, casually leaning on the table.

Speak? Well most of Nyx's thoughts did not consist of coherent sentences when he thought of Arabella, however, they did have a conversation while they were dancing.

"Yeah", he said cautiously, "she seems confident in her plan".

Rhysand frowned. A heavy debate was clearly flashing through his head. He sighed seeming to already choose what he would say.

"I know I've sometimes been a strict parent", he began, a sense of doubt in his voice, "I always thought I knew what's best for you, and sometimes I'm wrong".

"Big words coming from you, dad", Nyx joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Rhysand rolled his eyes, "what I'm about to tell you is serious, it's regarding Arabella's plan".

Nyx seemed to stand straighter at that. While they were not mated, his predatory instinct to protect her had grown more powerful.

"It's clear that you've grown closer", Rhys said clearing his throat and avoiding eye contact.

Nyx flushed, trying not to think about the scratches on his back or the marks he had left behind on her.

"She plans to torture him, mind-to-mind, she asked for my advice but I refused", Rhysand stated plainly, "you can do with that information what you like".

"He deserves torture", he said sternly.

"I know, but you know how much pain it will put her in", Rhys said factually.

Nyx frowned. Breaking someone's mind; their will to live, their sanity, was far more complicated than you'd think. Sometimes when approached incorrectly it can cause the user to lose their own mind. All power must have balance and sometimes daemati went insane by their own doing.

"I'll gladly do it for her", Nyx said crossing his arms defensively.

He was far more experienced than she was regarding their daemati skills. Arabella had left the Night Court before they could truely teach her everything she needed to know.

"I don't think she'd agree to that", Rhys replied, "she deserves to get her revenge".

Nyx sighed in defeat, "I don't think I could convince her otherwise".

"Didn't you, you know?" His dad stuttered gesturing towards Nyx, "doesn't that mean something? Surely she trusts you".

"She doesn't want me", Nyx stated plainly, a fact he'd been chewing on for some time.

Arabella could never love Nyx, and he didn't blame her. She had bigger things to worry about than a boy pining after her like a lovesick puppy. She'd probably only fucked him to get it out of the way. Arabella was a strategical person, she didn't do anything reckless, which only proves that Nyx was never apart of the bigger plan.

"I don't think that's true", his dad said gently, "what's not to love? You're my son after all".

Nyx scoffed at his dad's poor joke, "she may trust me, she may like me, but I am not in her immediate future".

Rhysand frowned, a sudden sorrow for his son seeping through his veins. He could never imagine his son having to deal with a rejected mating bond, he wouldn't wish that upon his worst enemy. Suddenly, Rhys wrapped his son in a tight hug. Nyx clung to his father like he was a toddler again.

"Dad, I don't think I could deal with the pain if she didn't want me", Nyx mumbled, "I don't know how I'd go on".

"You'll be okay", Rhys said soothingly, "everyone would be here to support you, if you want I'll even let you drink my most vintage wine".

Nyx laughed into his dad's shoulder before stepping back and rubbing his eyes.

"Maybe you weren't wrong", Nyx said, "maybe it would've been better if we didn't know each other".


Arabella struggled to breathe through her tears. She could barely see out of her watery eyes. She knew she was somewhere dark, somewhere cold, she knew the ground was solid rock.

She knew that he had found out.

She wasn't sure how he had found out but one second she was tucking herself into bed and the next she was in a cell. She couldn't see but she could hear Zachery say;

"I had hoped it wouldn't come to this but your fidelity is important to my image".

And then he was gone, a large door closing after him. In this dark, cold cell, Arabella was left with nothing but her thoughts. Unfortunately her brain only allowed her to relive those memories she kept close to her, the ones she barely spoke of. The needles, the fear, the dread she'd feel all day.

Arabella was shaking but it wasn't the cold. Whatever he had given her, it had nullified her powers. She couldn't reach out to Nyx. The bond was barely visible and her daemati powers weren't working. All she wanted to do was scream for help.

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