A Bad Day Made Better

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When Annabelle is eight years old...

"When Mommy?" Annabelle whined for the fifth time that hour.

"Honey, I told you, Daddy and Ironhide will be home very soon." Sara reminded her patiently whilst she was cleaning dishes.

The little girl plunked her head down on the kitchen table, "I want them home now!"

"Me too, honey." Sara admitted, "But remember, they've had a very long week and will probably be tired, so let's not make it too wild for them when they get back."

Annabelle sighed dramatically, "Where did Daddy and Ironhide go anyway?"

Sara tried to word the explanation carefully since she didn't want Annabelle to worry about them, not to mention she herself didn't know the particulars of the missions. She didn't want to tell her Will and Ironhide were busy hunting down Decepticons hiding out across the world. Annabelle would be just as sick as she was with worry.

"Well they're soldiers. They're off doing their job and protecting us and everyone else." the woman explained simply.

"I don't want them to be soldiers." Annabelle said firmly.

Sara turned to her daughter who had a sad and yet angry look on his face. The woman dried her hands and sat down next to her daughter.

"Why don't you want them to be soldiers? It's their job." Sara inquired quietly.

Annabelle looked madder, "It's a stupid job! They always go away! I don't want them to be soldiers!"

For a moment Sara wanted to chastise her daughter but she herself couldn't deny similar thoughts. How she hated it when Will was deployed. The long sleepless nights of wondering if he was ok, or dreading to hear the fateful phone call from General Moreshower telling her Will had been—she didn't even want to think it. Thus far she had been extremely lucky. Her husband had always come home. But she feared for him every time he donned that uniform and drove to the base. And now Sara had two soldiers to worry about. She never thought she'd ever get used to the idea of having a twenty-six foot tall battle mech as their family body guard. Early on she was so afraid of what destruction Ironhide might cause, by will or by accident. But now she couldn't imagine life without him just as she couldn't imagine life without Will.

"I know, sweetheart. I don't like it when they leave either. I get worried just like you do. I want them to stay home and be with us." Sara admitted, "BUT, their job isn't stupid. Never say that, Annabelle. What your father and Ironhide do is VERY important and we should thank them for doing it for us."

The blonde girl seemed to soak in her mother's words, her eyes wet but less angry looking.

Sara stroked her daughter's hair and smiled when she heard the deep rumble of an engine in the distance, "I think I hear them."

Immediately Annabelle flew from the table and ran out the front door onto the porch. She looked down the road and could see the dust cloud kicked up by Ironhide's tires.

"THERE!" Annabelle pointed with excitement, "They're home! They're home!"

Sara came out as well, a smile of relief on her face. The broad black truck rumbled up the road and just before it got a few yards from the driveway it stopped. Sara and Annabelle both seemed puzzled by the far away stop. Never the less, Will hopped down from the cab, his duffle over his shoulder and wearing his uniform. The door shut brusquely and the Topkick turned away toward his shed. Both girls were watching Ironhide as he activated the door, drove in, and it shut behind him.

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