Walking with a Weapon

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Note: This won't be a full blown story...more like fluff to stuff the seams of Tinman. So enjoy the fluff! And I wrote these chapters more than 15 years ago so these are all I have...just decided to share

Set approximately when Annabelle is almost 3 years old...

It was a sunny afternoon on the Lennox farm. Will was in the garage, trying to complete one of the "Honey Do" jobs Sara had been begging him to finish, which happened to be repainting said garage. The soldier complied, knowing the task was long overdue. He gathered the house painting supplies and began to situate his ladder. Luckily for him Sara had managed to get most of the scraping done while he was overseas so all he had to do was paint and scrape the eaves. Not the most fun of jobs. Paint brushes stuffed in his back jean pocket and a paint-can in hand, the man climbed up the ladder to begin. He hadn't made two strokes when a large shadow fell over him.

"Hey, Ironhide." he greeted, not even bothering to look.

The Autobot tipped his head, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, painting the garage. It has needed it for a long time." the man explained.

Ironhide observed the garage and the man, "Do you require assistance?"

"Nope. I'm good."

"That ladder does not seem sufficiently sturdy." the mech mentioned.

Knowing this was going to turn into yet another one of Ironhide's over-concerned analyses of his personal safety and efficiency, Will decided to cut him off, "Thank you for your concern, Ironhide, but I'll be just fine."

The Autobot huffed quietly but decided to take the hint, "Very well then. I am going to patrol the outer rim of your property. I will be back shortly."

Will saluted with his brush, "Ok. Keep up the good work."

As the black guardian paced across the farmyard the screen door squeaked open and Annabelle ran out with Sara behind her.

"Thank you Will!" the woman smiled when she saw her husband painting.

Annabelle looked up, "Hi, Daddy!"

"Hi, Annie." he waved down to her.

While Sara began talking to Will about the painting job at hand, Annabelle peeked through the gate and immediately spotted the hulking form of Ironhide marching away from the house. She smiled broadly, thrust open the gate, and dashed after him. In her mind there was nothing more fun than getting Ironhide to play with her, albeit he was a three-ton, battle mech with more destructive force than an entire division of tanks.

"Ironhide!" she chirped as she ran between his great stomping feet.

The big black mech froze immediately, his sensors scanning wildly for the tiny presence. Every time the child came close to him warning lights would literally go off in his head. The Lennox's daughter was so small and quick-moving his ultimate dread was he'd accidentally step on her. He made it a personal promise and a top priority to mind his steps and never harm her—even if by accident. Unfortunately for Ironhide, Annabelle didn't make his vow easy. The child didn't seem to fathom the potential danger the giant mech posed to her.

Annabelle stood between his feet with wide eyes of wonderment. To her the Autobot was the biggest thing in the world and to gain his undivided attention was her greatest joy.

"Hi!" she beamed up at him.

His horned head tilted down with flashing blue optics.

The mech frowned sternly, "Annabelle..."

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