Chapter 3

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*Ring! Ring!*

Jeonghan groaned as his alarm rang. Why did he suggest to meet so early? He dragged himself out of bed and headed for the shower before putting on his neatest clothes.

His wardrobe was mainly suits and formal wear so finding a comfortable pair of jeans and a casual shirt was a slight challenge.

He grabbed his keys and drove to Kim's Residence

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He grabbed his keys and drove to Kim's Residence.

'Ding dong'

'Jeonghan! You are here!'

'Ne! Annyeonghasaeyo Mrs Kim'

'Want to come in? Let me call Minji down. She is getting ready'

'It's ok. I'll wait out here. Tell Minji to take her time'

As soon as Mrs Kim went back into the house to call Minji, Mingyu walked out.



'Take care of her today. I expect your playboy caring side to at least allow that'

Jeonghan rolled his eyes. What was Mingyu's problem?

'Oppa! Jeonghan shii!'

Minji came walking out of the house towards them.

'Minji, take care of yourself ok?'

'Ne~ Jeonghan shii will take care of me as well right?'

'Of course! Tell your oppa to trust me'

Minji hugged her brother and assured him.

'I will call immediately if anything happens to me ok? Don't worry'

Mingyu sighed and let Minji go.

He watched as Jeonghan opened the car door for Minji and placed his hand at the top to protect her head.

If that wasn't enough to make Mingyu gag, he continued watching as Jeonghan stretched across Minji's seat to help her fasten her seatbelt.

Mingyu could see Minji blushing.

Seriously? She is already falling for him?

'Let's go for breakfast. There is a nice pancake place just down the street. I hope you don't mind?'

'I've never tried before but sure! I don't mind trying'

'Me too! I've only heard about it from Seungcheol but he did say it was a really nice place. The reviews are also good! Imagine strawberry pancake with strawberry syrup, topped with sliced strawberries and paired with a nice cold glass of strawberry milkshake'

'You really like strawberry?'

'Hehe~ yeah... I guess you could tell from the amount of strawberry related products I get. You? Is there a particular fruit you like?'

'Banana? Apple? They won't go wrong. Like there isn't sour or sweet. It is always sweet'

'Then where is the fun in that? Your life is just so safe'

They reached the place and took a seat.

'Stay here. I'll go order for us. Is apple waffle with apple juice ok? Or banana pancake with banana milkshake?'

'Apple waffle with banana milkshake please'

'Ok!' Jeonghan smiled and patted her head.

Minji stared at Jeonghan's back. Her heart fluttered slightly when Jeonghan was behaving like a gentleman.

'Oops you got a little something on your lip' Jeognhan gently wiped off the cream on Minji's lip.

'Try this! It's really sweet' Jeonghan offered a piece of his strawberry pancake.

'It's ok. Thanks' Minji declined.

'Please... Just try🥺🥺' Jeonghan really wanted Minji to try his food and tried convincing her by giving her the best cute face.

He started pouting and sulking that Minji was unwilling to try his food. Minji sighed and ate the small piece of pancake off Jeonghan's fork.

After breakfast, Jeonghan drove them to Han river. He took out a picnic mat and placed it on the ground for them to sit on.



'What do you think of the marriage?'

'I don't know... We barely know each other and I don't want a marriage where no feelings are involved even if it is for business purposes'

'What if I say, Minji, saranghae'

Minji's eyes widened. Yoon Jeonghan just confessed.

'So... Minji shii, do you like me back? Would you like to be my wife?'

'Really? But what if I don't catch feelings for you?'

'I promise to win your heart'

Minji nodded and Jeonghan slowly leaned down.

'Can I?'

Minji nodded and Jeonghan pressed his lips gently against hers. Figuring she wouldn't push him away, he slowly started kissing and nibbling her lips gently.

(Time skip)

Jeonghan opened the car door for Minji.

'Let's tell our parents our decision tonight'

Jeonghan nodded and pecked Minji's lips.

'Hurry in! Don't catch a cold'

'You too! Drive safely!'

They bid goodbye and Jeonghan drove home.

'Appa! Eomma! I agree to the marriage'

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