"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Mr Hard ass." Jonas rolls his eyes. "All I'm sayin' is you should be careful treating her like a piece of shit."

"I'm not treating her like a piece of shit."

The three of them stop and stare at me, the same look reflected in each of their eyes. It screams 'Logan, you're a big fucking idiot'.

It's a look that I've become far too comfortable with.

"You abandoned her with all her things to unpack in an unfamiliar place." Carter explains slowly, like I'm too stupid to fucking understand.

"And you just ditched her with Stanley without giving her the low down first." Grey adds with a tut and wag of his finger.

I groan and rub my jaw. "She's met Stan before. And that's her fucking job. If she can't handle him then she shouldn't be living with me in the first place."

"Asshole." Jonas coughs, smirking to the others. "I'd also like to add that you left the poor woman all high and dry. If she had balls, they'd be bright blue,"

The elevator dings once we've reached the penthouse level. The boys all dash out first, leaving me to battle with the closing doors.


"Why the fuck would she be high and dry?" I ask Jo, my brows furrowed in confusion.

Unless this little bitch started flirting with her and got his dick wet with her, there's no good reason for Goldilocks to have blue balls.

"What, you think I didn't catch your steamy exchange with her?" He snickers. "Poor girl looked like Bambi and you looked about 3 seconds away from ripping all her clothes off."

I stop in my tracks and scoff loudly. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me. Me? And her?"

"My eyes don't lie, Logan." He sings, nudging Grey with his elbow. "Even dumbass over here said you could cut the tension with a knife."

My glare shifts to Greyson.

"Well I- I didn't say those words exactly. I just meant that maybe, possibly, you kinda, sorta like like Nova."

I've known Greyson Hastings for nearly 10 years. And I have never, ever, heard him say something so unbelievably fucking stupid.

"Like her?" I repeat, my voice low and dangerous as we approach my front door. "I don't even tolerate her. I'm not even indifferent to her. I actually dislike her. No- I fucking hate her."

"Oh come on, Lo." Carter complains in sheer exhaustion. "Even you can admit that there's some attraction there."

I slide my key into the lock. "No, no I can't admit it because there isn't anything. She's too fuckin' irritating to feel anything but anger towards."

"If you say so." Greyson sings quietly.

"I do." I grumble back, pushing the door open.

I'm immediately bitchslapped in the face with the strong smell of vanilla, roses and lemon.

"Oo. I feel like I'm at the spa." Grey praises, dramatically sniffing and wafting the scent up.

Jonas hooks his jacket onto the coat stand and holds up a pastel yellow crotchet scarf. "This is cute, Lo. It's definitely your colour."

"And I love this vase." Carter points to a pink frosted glass vase on my side table. It has a mix of pink and white tulips in it and has a 'Vanilla Bean' candle burning beside it.

"I have gotta get the name of your florist. Ciara would sell her left kidney for this arrangement." He continues, sniffing the bouquet.

"Quit smelling the fucking flowers." I scold and slap the back of his head. "None of this crap is mine."

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