nine | moving day

Start from the beginning

"You're not sick are you? Because I have a big date tomorrow and if I'm coughing and sneezing like a sickly victorian child I will sue you."

My eyes widen as Greyson threatens me. Not because he's intimidating or scary but because I have never in my life met someone like him.

The only word to describe both the Hastings children is strange. And I mean that in the nicest way humanly possible.

"Nothing, Greyson. Don't worry about it-"

"Nova was basically just telling us how all the hunky men in baseballs caps is making her weak in the knees." Aria tells him oh-so casually.

"Oh?" Greyson smirks and pinches Aria's cheek. "I like this one. She spills all of the secrets."

"Snake." I mouth to my now blushing friend.

I don't blame her for turning beat red. Any 18 year old girl with a pulse and attraction to men would melt at the sight of Greyson Hastings.

"So, Novie, am I one of these men making you feel dizzy?" He teases me, tilting his head to the side as his eyes peer into my freaking soul.

"Well I- No, well yes but I-"

"Relax. I'll handle this." Cecilia whispers to me and grabs the spray bottle I use to water my plants off of the floor. "Greyson!"

She shoots the water at his messy blonde locks and barks at him viciously until he drops the arm he has around Aria.

"What the fuck is wrong with y-"

Cece sprays the water directly into his open mouth, shutting him up in seconds. "Put your dick back in your pants, stop being an egotistical little weirdo and go make yourself useful!"

Grey pouts and points a finger in his sister's face. "I don't like this version of you. You're mean."

"Boo freaking hoo. Now put those muscles to use and go take those boxes down to the truck." She demands and shoots the water at him again.

"You're just like Mom." Greyson yells at her and immediately makes a break for it.

He expertly weaves his way around the ginormous men and towers of boxes, rapidly dashing out of my apartment. He squeals like a little girl the whole way down the hall as Cecilia is hot on his heels screaming profanities.

Aria and I are hunched over in tears of laughter by the time Cece has caught up to her brother and is clambering up his back, attacking him with the spray bottle.

"How old are they?" Ari wheezes, clutching her stomach.

I shake my head in disbelief at the noises coming from the hallway. "You wouldn't believe me but that man is twenty six years old and is still acting like a prepubescent teen."

"No way!" She gasps at me, laughing even harder at the revelation that Greyson is nearing 30.

"Some things never fucking change."

I dab at my wet cheeks and turn around to face the grumbling voice. As I expected, Logan Romano is leaning up against my fridge with a scowl and a cold beer in hand.

"I, erm, I think Cece asked me to pack up the bathroom so..." Aria mummers to me before rapidly scurrying out of the cramped room.

I scowl at the back of her retreating form and make a mental note of this deep, deep, betrayal.

"Greyson is a kid at heart. Always has been. That's why he's so fuckin' annoying." Logan rolls his eyes but cracks a small smile when talking about his best friend.

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