Chapter 32 || First Child

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"Hurry", Nila whispered as she slowly opened the house door

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"Hurry", Nila whispered as she slowly opened the house door. Ruthira carried the big luggage and handbag outside the house. Leaving that outside, she got back in.

"I feel bad that I'm not informing them", she whispered. "Aaru, it's too late", Nila sucked her lips in. "Right.... Can I see them once"? Nila looked at her phone and saw the cab was five minutes away.

"Quickly". Ruthira rushed to her parents room and slowly opened the door. "Take care. Love you", she mumbled, seeing them sleeping on the bed.

Closing the door, she went to Adhi's room. "Take care", she kissed Oviyan's and Adrika's head. "Bye Anneh", she mumbled. She rushed out after she was done.

"Athai, I sit", Nidra tapped the luggage. Nila made her sit on the luggage with her legs being on either side of the handle. "Hold it", she made Nidra hold the handle.

"Okay Anni, I'll leave now". "Take care. Call me once you take the taxi, message me when you reach the station, message me before boarding, message me after you've board. You know what, message me every two hours until you reach Thatha's house".

"I will, Anni. I'll be safe, don't stress yourself", Ruthira hugged her. "Love you, bye", Nila pecked her head. "Love you, too. Nidu, say bye". "Bye bye", Nidra waved. "Bye, Nidra", Nila ruffled her hair and kissed her head.

"If you feel uncomfortable at any point, call me"! "Okay". "Okay, go. The cab's 2 minutes away". "Bye".

Ruthira dragged the luggage till the elevator. Once she got in, she waved till the elevator's door blocked the view of Nila. "Are you sleepy", she asked when she saw Nidra's droopy eyes. "Hmmm".

Ruthira picked her up and carried her in her left arm. Once they reached the ground floor, she dragged the luggage out in the other hand.

As she reached the carpark, she saw the cab turning in. She flagged it down. Opening the trunk, she placed the luggage in by herself. Getting in the car, she settled Nidra on her lap comfortably, "You can go".

In 15 minutes, they reached the train station. After paying the driver, she got out and entered the station. "Do you want any biscuit"? "Hmmm. That one. That one. This one. That one".

Ruthira chuckled at the number of packets she was pointing at. "Anything else"? "No". "These four and three mineral water", she told the shopkeeper.

"Thank you", she took the bag and walked to the nearby bench. The big analogue watch in the station displayed the time. 11.40. The train was scheduled for 11.50pm. "10 more minutes", she sighed.

10 minutes passed in boredom for her since Nidra was luxuriously watching a movie on her mother's Ipad. When the train finally came, she carried Nidra in, followed by the luggage. "Nidu, sit here".

Nidra nodded and plastered herself next to the window. Ruthira pushed the luggage under the seat before taking the gadget out of Nidra's hands. "Are you cold"? "Hmmm", Nidra snuggled into her arms.

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