Chapter 17 - Locked away

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song by R. City

Tell me which type of summary you prefer, short like usual or a longer one but preciser.

Started on 8 December to write this btw, like keeping track on how fast I write

I wonder how much Jaskier I can fit in one Dr Stone fanfic chapter...



Volume 8 plot lines

You expected plot following just Senku? No chance. You too have your own life outside romance. This time we follow Gen and Chrome, oh and the half baked asshole Magma, that we kinda forget most the time unless he's needed for plot. You won't know how stuff is going while you're gone.

ready or not, this chapter also has a musical bit, because it fit

So for a good summary this time:

-You follow the group of guys on a track to deliver the phone but it's no easy job. Many obstacles await. This chapter might be not a very lovable one, but important plot may or may not happen.


You slid down the hill with some parts of the phone on your back. As you landed, you felt the impact trough your legs. The snow didn't cussion the fall and you for one weren't the best at taking damage. You looked over at Chrome, who was checking the phone right as you came down.
"This sure isn't good for the parts." Gen remarked, looking at what the young sciencer was doing.
"It sure isn't." You gave the parts to him so he could check if the phone was still intact. Sure, you'd know how to reassemble it too, but if something really broke, it would need to be recalibrated, and you didn't make spare parts to take with. "Unsure to be honest if the cold won't mess with the pressure in the vacuum tubes."
"Looks like we gotta do spot check ups as we go..." Chrome states, putting the parts into place. After he did, a screech was heard from the machine. "It seems like a call now."
"Don't pick it up." Gen quickly said and you all looked at him. "That they're calling can mean but one thing. It's a distress call. Homura is after us."
"If she figures out it's a phone, it's game over. What do you recommend, darling?" You asked, needing an answer fast.
"Press on ignorance and move on. That's what we shall do now. Rest will come as we go." He answered and everyone agreed. You all took your equipment and started to walk again, this time doing as if it's just a walk to confuse her.

As you walked trough the snow, Chrome suddenly stopped you a little and asked you to walk with him. He seemed to have something on his mind at the moment.
"Is there something bothering you, Chrome?" You asked him. He nodded confirming.
"You know about what I think of Ruri... I got a bad feeling everyone in our village does."
"Yes, I do." You answered, your voice not even for a second sounding mean or ironic in any way. "You seem to like her a lot, and honestly, I think she has taken a liking to you as well."
His cheeks changed to the hue of cherry blossoms. "You mean it?" His voice trembled a little in the excitement.
"Of course. Why would I lie about that? But anyways, what do you seek? Wingman? Advice?" You smiled to him. Of course you would help your friend in need. It's what friends were for. "Can't have you end up waiting like Taiju and Yuzuriha do."
He shook his head. "Nothing of the sorts. I was just wondering... Do all relationships look like what you and Gen got? Cus if is so, then I don't think I want one..." His honesty struck you a little too hard. Did your relationship look that bad from the side? "I don't mean it mean of course! But it doesn't look at all like what I imagined love looked from the stories, you know?"
"You're a true romantic, ain't ya, Chrome?" You smiled slightly, but that smile soon faded. "Well.. When I thought of my first relationship long ago, this was also not what I imagined. The beautiful love stories I've seen were very different, but I don't think it's that bad. It's peaceful.. maybe a little boring but peaceful. Just don't tell that to Gen. He would most probably try to spice things up then, and I don't know if I am ready for anything more yet."
"Sure, won't mention it." He seemed in thought about something again. "Well.. I got another question though.. How do pairs kiss? Because I always stayed away from the towns folk, I never really seen how to do it and in the end I don't want to be disappointing."
You chuckled. "Can't help you with that. Got a boyfriend."
"Not like that!" He said slightly louder and with more red on his cheeks than before. "I meant just how it goes. What you do then?"
You looked at Gen who walked in front of you and sighed. "I don't know.. We haven't had a real kiss yet. Just small smooches, that's all. I think you should find someone more experienced for advice."
"Like who, Magma? No way a girl ever kissed that."

science vs romance - dr stone fanfiction - senku x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora