chapter 16 - meteor shower

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song by cavetown

17 nov- I know there was no update in a while. My school planning got considerably worse, with me being out of home from 7 am to 6 pm. Kinda hard to manage writing along with studies, nessesary readings for school, social life and health. So I didn't write a word for 2 weeks I think. Also I feel myself slipping away from this fandom slowly. (Blame Geralt of Rivia and Jaskier on that behalf).
But let's try at least one more time. I have promises to uphold.
18 - i forgot how to concentrate
19 - I noticed inconsistences but I really don't feel like correcting them. sorry guys.
I will try to set it right this chapter but no promises.
Later on you'll read some blabber of a filament. It was a coincidence that I did research it some time ago on my own that I now mention it. free blabber. also something you might enjoy reading bout if you're a nerd.

20 novigrad - I mean November- try to find the refrences to other shows in this chapter, there quite few. some easier and obvious, other you might only know if you've been a real fan.

23- I forgot a detail about if I wrote it in story or not....
does any of you know if I mentioned suikas parents at all? If yes let me know. If I made inconsistency mistakes between chapters I gotta know.



Continuation on vol 7

gave up


new years!!

lovers apparel

Oh if you only knew how much he actually cared about you before you made this stupid mistake, my darling......

planetary go!

cleaning job and embarrassment


Tuturuu, but without the IBM5100, aka we are building a phone

(if you actually get this, can we be friends??)


"All we need now is... Nothing." Senku said swiftly to Chrome, and in an instant you thought your plan to be shattered.
"What? There has to be something that we need! There is so much we can do!" Chrome cried out, almost complaining. How could there be nothing needed for the kingdom of science? All this time your group had to work and work, gather and gather, all to make stuff, but now it was unnecessary.
"There is nothing we can do now. We got a steam engine. Light. Now just assemble-" suddenly you heard a small crack, like something burning trough.
You looked at one of the bulbs hanging lower, and noticed many burned out.
"Senku, I think there is something wrong... I know over the past days you tried to make better bulbs... But many are breaking. Or the fillaments burn trough." You said with a disapointment. At the same time it filled you with hope, because now he might need to get something new for them.
He scratched the back of his neck. "I know... But we can't do anything about it. The material we need is not here. Not in this era. We have lost before we even fully began." He leaned his head on his knees as he sat down. Frustrated he sighed. "We can do nothing."
"We can not just give up!" You shouted. "Come on! We didn't get this far to stop now!"
"Y/n is right!" Chrome followed, rummaging in the boxes and buckets. He took a stone out of it and held it high. "How about this?"
"Not an conductor." Senku answered monotone.
"How about this?" A girl held up a shiny stone like block.
"That's a dead bug."
Suddenly Ginrou held up a fossil. "How about this? It's a fun shape!"
"Thats racoon poop."
The poop slatted in Ginrous hands.
Truly, the people here lacked, a lot, but it was the best you had.
It really looked like you had no chance to win this war. No chance to survive anymore, as after all that happened, Tsukasa wouldn't leave you alive. Surely not if he thought you were Senkus girlfriend. Then you sure would know enough to destroy him.
Tsukasa didn't know the truth, but now it no longer was in your advantage. Your chances lowered.
"I think we should just take a break." You sighed, seeing no one taking initiative.
They agreed. "Maybe after sleeping we will find an alternative."

science vs romance - dr stone fanfiction - senku x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin