chapter 6 - Fight or Flight

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Life was easier since Tsukasa promised to protect your group. It's been barely days but you lived off plenty. You always had some meat to eat. Tajiu had enough time to collect plants on his own. When you weren't cooking or forging something you helped Senku at the lab.

As you all started to prepare the camp better, Senku tried a ruse on Tsukasa.
"We can use calcium carbonate. It has 4 important uses." He proceeded to explain as he held 4 fingers up. His face looked very cute as he smiled gently.
"Firstly we can use it in agriculture. It'll kill the pests and weeds. It'll make life so much easier. Secondly we can roast it with sand to make a discounted version of cement for the buildings. Lastly, soap. By mixing it with sea weed we will protect ourselves from sickness. We will call it our Dr Stone!"
You chuckled at his enthusiasm.
"You truly are a remarkable man, Senku. To be as motivated to bring the civilisation back from stone sure requires a lot of knowledge." Tsukasa stated.
Senku looked at him unamused. "What are your intentions? A man that compliments another man in the face is either gay or has some other underlying intentions."
You had a hard time containing your laughter at his little comment, but somehow managed not to destroy the moment.
"I do not think of such things, Senku. Just wanted to complement your accomplishments. Most of us couldn't do such a thing as you do."
Senku didn't believe what Tsukasa said, and it was visible on his face. His eyebrows were frowned and he had a look that was reminiscent of confusion as well as disgust. Before he could add anything else Tajiu ran to us with a bunch of shells in a basket on his back.
"What's the forth use?!" He shouted as he came nearer.
"Fourth? No I said there are three uses. I never said anything of a forth." Senku got up and the three of you started to walk, letting Tsukasa do his thing. Even though the ruse seemed like a clever way to test Tsukasa on long term, you thought it wasn't a great idea. He might now not trust you at all. Even if Senku was great at science, his ways with people were truly terrible.

One day though, when Senku came back from the river after a talk with Tsukasa he seemed off. You immediately approached him.
You looked closely at Senku, his eyes seemed cold, they displayed pain, almost trauma. You put both your hands on his shoulders as you stopped him. Immediately he tried to play it off cool.
"Senku. What happened at the beach? Are you okay?"
He took your arm and took you inside the lab quickly. "We have maybe one hour. Do we have enough revival fluid for Yuziriha yet?"
"Yes we do but Senku please use full sentences. I don't understand what's going on." You said worried.
"Tsukasa is a murderer." He said as he turned to mix the revival fluid components.
You weren't shocked. You looked Senku dead in the eyes. "What did you think would happen when you tested his loyalty. That he will blindly follow you to his death because you revived him? Yeah brilliant."
"You didn't complain about the plan before." He rushed through the place.
"Because you only informed me about what we are going to do and immediately went to execute it. It's not like you do democracy here, Nero.*"
"Sure sure, come at me with you history class. I care not a kilometer for the emperor's." After that he fell silent for a moment. He took some more stuff together. "Tsukasa already knows where the miracle cave is thanks to Tajius stupidity. He will be back here soon. We don't have time for feelings. We have to fight." He handed you the mixed liquids.
Tajiu suddenly barged in. "What is going on Senku! You just said we didn't have enough! Why are you playing two sides!"
"Tai, he always did."
"No I didn't." He sighed. "Tsukasa doesn't just want to revive the young, he also kills the old. We need to get Yuziriha out now."

As you watched how Taiju romantically held Yuziriha as she revived, you sighed in love. You wished you felt this too.
Jokingly you nudged Senku. "You could have done that too, you know?"
He looked at you surprised. "Why would I? You were already safe on the ground. Picking you up would be unneeded labour that would anyways be difficult for me to do."
You sighed. "I was just joking." But then you thought for a second. "But you didn't deny that if I wasn't laying down that you would hold me. Is there something you want to tell me.~" your voice sounded singing as you annoyed him.  He just responded with some incoherent sounds. He looked down, seeming either thinking or not caring for the lovey dowey stuff. Or both.
"I'm sorry to break up your moment but we need to choose a plan. Either the 3 of you run and get a good life far away from here, or we fight Tsukasa."
Simultaneously you and Tajiu got mad. "We won't leave you here. You know our answer. We will fight!" As the both of you said it, Tajiu stood tall and you hit your fist into your hand. You were ready to protect your love. "We don't abandon out friends!"
Senku seemed slightly disappointed but held up a small smile.

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