chapter 12 - bubble tea

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This time the song is by an author you might not even know as it's polish. Bubble tea - quebonafide
If you don't know it, you can listen to it as well. There might be sites that translate it as well. I found the lirocs fit the chapter so that's today's title


The next day, Senku and Chrome were busy making glass. Or more destroying the materials, as their blow work was terrible. So Chrome left off to get an artisan.
As you waited, you kept preparing your hemp stems for waving, by separating the strong parts from the weak tissue. It was a hard and unfruitful work, as you expected that the amount of hemp you got might barely be enough for a small bag. But something will be better than nothing.
Soon enough Chrome came back, with an older man bound in with thread. Him visibly mad at Chrome's behaviour.
"Hoi! Hoi! Let me go Chrome! What is it with your weird bondage kink! Don't get me into it!" He shouted.
Chrome sighed. "It's nothing like that." You were pretty sure you heard Chrome Chrome whisper after that something along the lines of 'im not a bottom though', not being sure what that had to do with anything. "We need your bad skills to help us! You're the best craftsman I know!"
"I ain't gonna help a pervert like you." He stated.
"I told you it's not like that!"
You got up. It didn't feel right to you to let them treat the old man this way, but as you did, Senku stopped you with his arm. He just gave you a look that meant he had a plan. Without words you gave him a look as well, telling him that he better not do anything stupid.
You could see little Suika coming to the artsman with a small container.
"Here old man Kaseki, it's the laquer you gave us. Thank you." She said.
You looked at Kohaku. "It's the same one as on your shield, right? He made it?"
She nodded.
Senku approached her. " A true work of art. Made so well without any professional tools or paint. It sure wasn't an easy job. We could use someone as great as this."
"Sure did. As a gift to her father for the last won village games." Kaseki said.
"Then you surely also made the bridge. An amazing work." Senku continued.
"Yes I did. And you destroyed it by pulling out a plank. I'll never help the likes of you! Neve!" Kaseki made sure to be heard well.
As you knew Senku had a plan, or at least assumed he did from his behaviour, you sat back down to your hemp, letting him do whatever he was going to do. Just sometimes looking to the side to follow it.
What was maybe expectable from him and Chrome, was to provoke Kaseki into working with them by wrongly forming more glass. The plan did work, maybe a little too well, as Kaseki got so excited that together with the ropes he ripped his clothes. But that was not the only thing that was ripped. Kaseki looked like an elderly bodybuilder.
Slowly but surely you thought, 'soon nothing will surprise me anymore'.
Well at least the glass work was finally under construction.

As you were about to make some fabric, Chrome ran up to you.
"Y/n!" He got out quickly.
"What is it Chrome." You looked up at him.
"We gotta get some materials for a new building. Some hay, stones, sand, shells... Wood..." He started to list them.
"I get it. We did build with Senku before. I guess one with a form of cement so that's why we need shells, right?"
"I dunno. I ain't good with the building." He stated while looking at you.
"Alright, let's get the stuff." You said as you got up. "I'll follow you right after putting this away safely."

You took a bucket and followed Chrome to the beach, to get some shells first so you could have insulation for the new building.
"What is it for anyways?" You asked Chrome as you leaned down and gathered shells. As you did your hair covered up your face and fell into the sand. Since you were depetrified you haven't really taken good care of it and it grew out too much. It began to annoy you more and more. You were used to having longer hair in the old world, as you were trying to grow it out to donate it for people in need, but now it was just a pain in the ass. You hoped to have a moment later to fix the problem, but it might be a while until you could.
"Oh, we will build something that Senku called a Scien-se La-be? It's a new word to me. But he said we will do the experiments there."
"Oh a science lab. We used to have one at the first base too. I guess he wanted a more sterile place to work than your shed."
"Firstly, what's sterile? Secondly, what's wrong with my shed?" He asked, maybe a bit insulted."
"Sterile means really clean. Inside your lab there is a problem with the residu of the stones, dust and such. As well as it's too small to walk in comfortably." You stopped a little and walked to a shell that had a golden glow to it. You picked it up and put it in your small bag. "Once that's done we would all do experiments together, I guess."
"Are you as good at science as Senku?" Chrome asked you, full of curiosity. "Because I often hear you finish his sentences, or make ideas on your own."
"Sadly I ain't that good. Senku has a great mind. He knows a lot more than I do about science. I mostly know just the basics, or am able to see the patterns between things. The things he does now is what I understand, but I ain't good with complex chemistry, like the whole thing with making the drug. At most I could make some painkillers, as I remember doing them in school once during practical science. I can neither help if he decides to make something like a phone or a car, as that ain't my thing. But I doubt he'd make those any time soon." You explained slowly, thinking back a little at your pre petrification life. Oh the easy life you had with technology, yet it couldn't compare to the calm of this new world.
"'re good at some science... I've seen you do some crafting too... What else can you do? Since I know I will be a science user like Senku, what could you be then?"
This question got you thinking good. It was something you weren't prepared for. You didn't think of the future. You just were thinking of here and now. "Well... I can do various things... Besides the science I know and some crafts I know... I also know I can learn quite fast when someone shows me something that has to be done... I know how to play few music instruments... But we don't have those here. I really like witchcraft too. And I am quite well with cooking and first aid. As well as drawing, which could be handy to help with planning out builds."
"Witch Craft? But you're a science user." He didn't understand how those two could correlate. "Senku said what I was doing was science, not sorcery. So how could you be doing witch craft if it doesn't exist?"
"Science did come from sorcery, to be honest. First there was sorcery, that used black magic mostly, purely for own self interest. Then witchcraft emerged too at about the same time, where the witches used magic to heal people trough herbs and believing on the upper strenght of the universe. From those emerged alchemy, where magic and chemistry mixed, where people believed one could be brought from death using the basic elements of a body and crafting a soul. It never worked though. Yet it did bring life to science as we know now." You told the boy, who listened fully taken by your words. "Science is marvelous, but it can not be understood fully without learning of its roots. And I believe if science and witchcraft can work together, then and only then, we can achieve a great and peaceful being together. Healing people's bodies and minds would help so much more than just making them healthy."
He teared up a little, which you saw when you looked at him. "So beautiful."
You smiled at him.
"Please, teach me the ways of witchcraft."
You hoped for this, but didn't think it would actually happen. Gladly you accepted. "Surely can, but don't forget to also practice science."
"Ofcourse I will, Y/n!"

science vs romance - dr stone fanfiction - senku x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora