chapter 13 - pictures of you

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Let's gooooo!

Also message to you, readers. Don't be affraid to DM me on my socials or anywhere. I love to talk about the fandoms I'm in and other stuff. You can find me (aside of Wattpad and Ao3) also on tik tok, Instagram and Tumblr, all under the name Toi Monogatari.

I hope no one is offended by the way I describe the fights. Like I said before, I do not perticulary like to describe fights, therefore, you either get a skip or a summary of the fight most of the time, unless I want some kind of change in plot or just find it interesting or important to describe in detail. Same goes for some experiments and scenes.
Also reminder:
This story is from reader perspective, as you've noticed, so I do skip scenes that happen without the reader being present there (like how will you know first hand what for instance Chrome and Senku were talking about when you were at the beach? Not. You should have been there I guess. But you couldn't be there.). I hope it clears up everything (who asked? No one. I just feel like it needed to be cleared up. Could call it a writer's anxiety.)

Also I might have changed the order of the fights somehow, so don't mind it.

Last minute title change
Pictures of you - the last goodnight

But as you came back it was already too late. Kohaku was eliminated for not being present when called to fight.
You stood next to Ginrou and asked him what happened in the previous rounds, but he was too busy being high on caffeine for the first time in his life.
"Kinrou doesn't seem so good... I think he has the blurry desease..." Suika remarked, as Kinrou was fighting Magma. She didn't even wait as she trew the melon to him. He held it on his face. For some reason he looked terrible while giving Shaggy energy.
"Let's hope his prescription is anywhere near Suikas..." You mumbled.
Surely, this did improve his aim, yet magma still won, as Kinrou was so obsessed with rules he had to ask if having the melon was legal. Oh how much you wanted to be being such a total wuss and pussy.

Chrome at least got promoted to the next round, as Magmas helper just threw the cloth.  Chrome, quite exhausted sat down on the ground to watch the fights with you.

You looked at the announcers board. Since Kohaku lost due to searching for you and Suika, Senku had progressed to the next round. The last fight left in this round was the high ass Ginrou and some muscular dude you haven't met before.
"Ginrou is our last chance isn't he?" You asked.
"Yeah. He's the only atlethic one in the group left that might have a chance." Senku sighed.
"That basically means we have no chance. He might be atletic but he has the build of a preteen. He's going to fight a buff guy... You boys better brace yourself."
"We would had more chance if you joined us though." Chrome complained.
"You only think so. Now wait here, I'll be right back with the aid kit and some refreshments." You said as you started to move away from the group.
"Don't get kidnapped again." Kohaku said, but not jokingly. You weren't used to her worry towards you yet.
"No worries sis, I'll see you soon!" Then you ran off again towards the camp.

Yeah, you did just call Kohaku sister. Why did you do that? Did you start to feel like she handled you like a sister would? Did you begin to feel a bond towards her? Or was it maybe the fact that you longed to have a sister? You couldn't figure it out,but it just felt right.
You walked back to the shed to grab some items, and as you were going back down, you could see someone loom by closely. You grabbed the leaves you left by the foot of the shed and walked towards the familiar figure.
"Asagiri? You're still alive?" You asked jokingly.
He didn't pass the opportunity and decided to respond on similar manner, "Guess Satan didn't want me back yet." He smiled.
"Well it sure is better this way. What did you tell Tsukasa?" You asked, as you both looked at the village from afar.
"Oh you sure wanna know, little witch."
It did suprise you he knew this, as you never told him, yet it didn't seem a hard thing to notice, as your clothes slightly resembled those of witches in the stories. "Come on, Asagiri, tell up."
"Sure. But no need to go so formal. Just call me Gen like anyone else." He folded his arms into his sleeves as he stood next to you. "I told Tsukasa that you two indeed are dead."
"Wait. We both?" You asked, not understanding where your death came from. "But he never killed me. Why would you say something so knowingly false?"
"Because that is what they believe. The whole empire believes, thanks to your friend Yuziriha, that you committed suicide after Senkus death. A tragic story of Romeo and Juliet. Truly beautiful."
You were shocked. Your friend said what? She made that up? "No that is truly idiotic. No one would ever believe that. Besides, there is nothing between me and Senku. We are friends and he's an asshole."
He looked at you. "You had a fight, didn't you. Don't worry, all couples do."
"We are not a couple. Why does everyone think this!"
"Because you sure look like one."
You felt annoyed. Everyone had the same thought about you and Senku and it simply made you more and more mad. "I'll need to have a word with Yuz-" in the distance, you could see that Chrome was getting beat up now, which was not according to plan. You stayed too long at the camp, talking to the magician that you didn't heal Chrome yet. "Shit. I have to go. Talk to you later, magician." You ran off before he had the chance to annoy you further.

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