chapter 10 -Science and Faith

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Long chapter

I plan to make them longer when I do have my holidays, maybe even try to finish at least till volume 13 or so

this one is events from volume 3 by the way

Also new idea, what if I make each chapter based of a whole manga volume?
Sometimes it might be split if I make several side parts that differ from the original and it gets lengthy. I mean, what is a chapter of 8k words even worth? Not really a novel yet right?

And there might or might not be a music bit here

Also posting this story on ao3 by the way. Same username as here.

I said when I have my holidays when I started writing this
It's been more than 2 weeks of me writing this

Maybe a few minutes passed by, maybe like an hour, but soon after your talk with Kohaku did you hear the guys come out with some stuff from the shed. First came Chrome, carrying down a bowl and materials, probably by Senkus request, as he still was searching for something on the edge of the building walls. As Chrome approached you and Kohaku, she told you she was leaving.
"I still have to bring the water to my sister, and I rather not see what these dorks destroy. You seem the most reasonable here Y/n, keep an eye on them." She said as she picked up the big bucket of hot spring water.
"I do not need supervision." Chrome pouted.
"Sure, mr great sorcerer, just don't play with fire." She added as she left.
You looked up at the shed. "What are you gonna do anyways.."
"I dunno. But I think it will be very baaad! At least I hope it will." Chrome answered you as you saw Senku walk out the shed.
Before he had the time to remember himself that he no longer was on the ground floor, he fell head first onto it, instantly making Chrome burst out laughing. You hurried to the fallen one.
"Senku, are you okay?" You worried.
He didn't move.
You got scared out of your mind and started to shake him. What if he had a concussion and lost his memory? What future would the world have??
"Senku wake up! Do not die again!" You shouted as you turned him over. He stuck his tounge out and started to laugh. Instead of laughing with him you slapped his face and got up.
With a confused look he sat up holding his reddening cheek that had you handprint now slowly showing on it. He looked at you but you turned your back to him immediately.
Chrome spoke for you, "Not a fun joke buddy."
A bit of time passed as you heard him get up again and walk towards you. It seemed as if he tried to approach you or something so you turned your head to him. He pulled his hand back to himself and just looked at you. His stare seemed more focused on something behind you but it did feel as if he tried to look at you yet just couldn't.
He mumbled something that was hard to understand so you asked him to repeat it. "Do you wanna make an amalgamate...?"
You immediately remembered the enormous amount of memes revolving around the frozen movies and laughed out loud, trying to respond with "It doesn't have to be an amalgamate." As Chrome didn't have a clue of what was going on. The two of you laughed the situation off.

"So what are we up to now?" You asked as you followed him.
"Mercury-gold amalgamate. We will get ourselves manpower. If they like it or not." Senku said.
"You're being creepy again, you know?" You told him as he shrugged it off.
As soon as the three of you got to the bridge, the guards stopped you. Kinro moved his Speer in front of the gate in harmony with Ginro. "No trespassing." He yelled.
"Don't worry we ain't planning to." Senku said as he mixed and heated up some stuff in his stone bowl. "Grab his spear for me Y/N, Kay?"
"Sure thing." You said and grabbed the tip of it, bringing it to him.
Kinro protested as his spear got dipped into the liquid and then quickly heated above the fire.
"Mercury and gold dust, make a gold amalgamate, creating a gold coating on the stone." Senku explained.
"Due to the lower melting and evaporating temperature of mercury, it evaporates but gold stays. But don't breathe it in. It will most definitely kill you." You finished the sentence.
Chrome suspiciously looked at the two of you, but soon shouted his phrase, "That's so bad! Right Kinro? Your own golden spear. "
Kinro looked unamused. "What does this sorcery do to me?"
"Absolutely nothing, but your name does mean gold after all." Senku told.
Kinro still wasn't gettig it. "Do not think this sorcery and cheap tricks will get me on your side."
Senku and you sighed simultaneously. This was not going to be as easy as you hoped.
Kinro turned to go into the town. "No need to trouble yourself to pull this off now."
The boys grinned and you all high fived eachother. "Just one more push and he's ours! " Senku exclaimed.
Ginro just silently tried to beg for a silver Speer but got ignored trough the conversation.
"Yeah and that's all thanks to Chrome who collected this!" You slapped Chrome's back in excitement as he slightly smiled.
"You're totally like one of those Monster Hunter gamers that just gathers everything!" Senku kept being a nerdy nerd.
"A monster what-" Chrome asked.
You whispered to him before Senku once again made the discussion his way. "It's a long story but I can explain some game and meme lore to you later."
He just seemed more confused.

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