[part 14] too small

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TW brief mention of death of a family member

Corpse and i are sat on his bed again, his left hand on my knee as i paint his nails black after cleaning off his chipped polish.
"So what's with the nail polish only being on your left hand?" He asks, referencing how my right hand nails are bare in the photo he is recreating and a few of my other instagram posts.
"It's a long story," I attempt to avoid the topic.
"Does it look like I'm going anywhere?" He laughs, gesturing with his free hand to his situation. I guess I'm telling Corpse about this now.

"So my moms dead, you know that already, but when I found out she had passed away I was in the middle of painting my nails" I pause, "I had only just finished my left hand when my dad stormed into my room to tell me. So I never got to finish doing my right hand. For about 3 months after that I couldn't bring myself to paint my right hand when I'd paint my nails. I'm not sure why, I just couldn't. Sometimes on the anniversaries I still do it. "
There's silence for a moment. I keep my eyes down, focusing on Corpses nails.
As I finish the last nail and close the bottle, Corpse uses his free hand to lift my chin up to look at him. "You trust me enough to let me in on your little tradition?" He asks. I nod.
He grins, i laugh.
"You're such a sentimental little shit," he laughs. I nod between laughs.

"Let that dry and then you can put on the hoodie," i say, taking Corpses hand off my knee and leaning back until I'm laying on his bed again. He lays down too, we both stare at the ceiling for a bit. Comfortable silence filling the room. "What are you thinking about?" I ask.
"I'm not thinking, just enjoying your company," he turns his head to look at me, I look back at him.
"Can i touch your hair?" I ask. I can't help but wonder if his hair is as soft as it looks but I fear messing up his perfect curls.
He laughs, "yes. How long have you been wanting to ask that?"
"Literally since I first saw your face," I laugh too. I move to lean on my elbow and reach towards his hair, pausing briefly before i touch him to check if it's okay. He nods again. I reach a little more and make contact with a curl, i twirl the strand around my finger for a moment, admiring how the curl keeps its shape.

I move to feel more of his hair, gently running my fingers through his dark curls. He closes his eyes and slightly leans into my touch. I continue running my hands through his hair for a few moments, admiring the softness and determination to stay in perfect curls. A small smile finds it way onto his face. I smile too. I almost don't want to move my hand away but I want to take his photo so we can properly chill, maybe watch a movie like we did the other day. I slide my hand out of his hair, he opens his eyes and meets my gaze. I'm suddenly hit by a wave of nervous energy. I sit upright and start grabbing the accessories he needs to wear.

"Okay let's take this photo!" I say, gesturing for him to stand up. He stretches quickly before starting to stand up. I hand him the 'no curves, only gravel' hoodie and step back to watch as he struggles to pull it on. I eventually laugh at his struggle and attempt to help him by unrolling the bottom and tugging downwards. Once he's got his head free he straightens the bottom and tugs on the sleeves. It's significantly tighter on him than it is on me, it hugs his shoulders and makes him look very broad. "There is no reason for this to be so tight," he laughs.
"I mean if it helps it makes you look buff," I chuckle. He mock flexes and makes me laugh harder.

Still laughing slightly I reach to take off my necklace and hand it to Corpse. He clasps it around his neck and grabs the rings I've placed on the bed. "You're gonna have to dip my hands in oil to take these off," he laughs again. The rings refuse to go all the way into his fingers, sitting above the second joint and holding into his skin tightly.
"It's good enough," i chuckle, "bracelets!"
I take off my bracelets and help him put them on. Once he's got all the accessories on I take a step back and look at him, making sure everything is perfect. I nod, admiring my work.

"You should use my phone to take it so the phone case is the same."
"Good idea, pass it here. Should i just use this mirror?" Corpse asks, turning to the floor length mirror against the wall with my phone in his hand. I nod, shoving things to the side of the bed, where they aren't visible in the reflection of the mirror. I help him position the phone in the way I had mine in the picture and put his free hand in his pocket. I step to the side once I'm satisfied and he starts taking photos. "This feels really awkward," he says.
"I know, my posture was absolute ass back then," i laugh.

"Come here," he says, pulling me to stand in front of me. I stumble in front of him and position myself leaning back against him. He wraps his arm around my waist and rests his chin on the top of my head. He takes a photo of us where only my face is visible and then another where both of our faces can be seen. I turn to face him with a look of confusion on my face. "Did you just take a photo with your face in it?," i question.
"I did, felt brave," he shrugs, "but if you dare post it I will murder you."
"Noted," i laugh and take my phone back, not yet pulling away from his grasp.

We scroll through the photos, deleting some until we agree on which one will be posted.
"Okay that's settled. Take off my shit so we can chill," I tease, pulling lightly at the hoodie.
"Okay, okay. Do you want to go pick something for us to watch while I clean this shit up?" He asks.
I nod, "bring me the jewelry though, I feel naked without it."
He laughs and agrees before I quickly change out of the wine stained shirt and walk out the room and towards the living room. I flop down on the couch and pick up the remote, immediately starting to scroll netflix until I find a suitable show. I pick 'Please Like Me' again, starting the next episode but pausing after the intro to wait for Corpse.

He comes to join me a few moments later. He hands me my jewelry as he sits down. As I put my jewelry back on he unpauses the show and picks up his phone, scrolling through the photos he took of me. "Will you send those to me? I'll send you the ones on my phone." I say.
He nods, opening our messages to send me the photos, i do the same. We both send the best photos and the fun photos we took. As I scroll through the photos of me he took, I find a photo where my head is not cropped out, you can see how my head is thrown back with my eyes closed and a smile on my face.

"Can we post each others photos?" He asks.
"What do you mean?"
"Like we trade phones and post like that so we can choose the photos we think are best without insecurities telling us no."
"Okay, i like that. Trade," i beam.
We trade phones and start organizing the other persons post. "Wait do we use the caption from the original post?" he asks.
"Yeah, and tag me too."
"obviously" he laughs.
"Hashtags?" I ask.
"Uhh not for me, do you want?"
"Just use your handle as a hashtag," i say.
"Wow, clout chaser," he teases.
I've chosen the most accurate recreation photo to post, as well as the photo he took of us together. The fact that I'm still wearing the wine stained shirt in the photo definitely makes it better.
"Ready to post?" I ask.
"Yeah. On 3. 1, 2, 3." We both click post and hand each others phones back. I look at the photos he chose, he chose to post the one I said is best as well as the one where my face is visible. I smile, knowing he probably likes the photo as much as I do.

I cannot wait to see what the comments say.



I'm really enjoying writing this at the moment so I'm hoping I'll find time to write and publish this next week while I'm away.

Votes and comments are greatly appreciated<3
Hope you're having a good day/night


Can I be your CORPSE Husband?(CORPSE_husband x original character)[Discontinued]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat