[part 12] iconic pictures

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"do you want to finish the movie we started the other day at my place?" Corpse asks. We've been sitting in a discord call for a few hours, silently working while we listen to music together. As per usual, my camera is on but his is not, even though I've seen his face I'm not going to push him to put his camera on.
"Yeah, there's like 10 minutes left so do you want to watch something else after that?" I say.
"Sure, it's your responsibility to choose something though."
"You never choose!" I say.
"I can never decide" he laughs.
"Neither can I! I'm the most indecisive bitch ever!"
"Shhh. Calm down" he laughs, "I'll choose next time"
"Fine, open teleparty bitch" i laugh.

——small time skip——

The credits roll. There's a moment of mutual silence.
"You know the day I met you i had spent he whole morning researching you, not knowing I was going to be playing among us with you later that day" i say, looking at the ceiling.
He laughs and then my screen suddenly gets brighter, i turn my head towards my laptop to see Corpse has turned on his camera and is staring at the ceiling just like I was with a smile on his face. I turn back towards the ceiling.
"Ethan nearly pissed himself laughing when I told him I met you, he saw me stalking you online just hours before so he couldn't help but laugh at my hysterics," I speak as if I'm just talking to myself, "I was hysterical" i laugh.

"What was your opinion of me from your stalking?" He asks, looking at his screen now.
"I thought you were way cooler than I am"
"I am cooler than you" he teases.
"Oh shut it" I smile, still looking at the ceiling.
"What else did you think?" He asks.
"I told Ethan that you'd have to be the most attractive person ever with your voice" i chuckle.
"Did i disappoint?"
"No" i turn to my laptop to see his reaction to be meet by his gaze and a smile.

"Did you know who I was?" I ask, "when we met for the first time i mean"
"I did. Rae told me a little bit about you so I looked up your instagram before the stream," he says.
"What did you think?"
"I thought you were beautiful, you have a real knack for fashion."
I scoff, "i definitely haven't proved that the last while."
"Even your cozy outfits look good."
I laugh. The day I went to Corpse's apartment I looked a mess and he didn't say anything. On all of our late night calls I look a mess and he never says anything.
"I've only ever seen you in sweats" i laugh, "oh and a wine covered shirt! Was that just for the album cover?" I ask.
"Yeah it was" he chuckles, "I specifically bought a white shirt just for that picture. I must say that damp shirts are not super comfortable."
"Oh my god, do you still have the shirt? I ask, an idea forming.
"Yeah... why?"
"Can i wear it?" I ask excitedly
"I mean I guess. Why?"
"I want to recreate that photo! I think people would love it." I explain.
"Oh fuck yeah! We can totally do that!" He says, almost equally as excited as me.

"Do you want to come over tomorrow?" Corpse asks, "we can do the photo thing then."
"Yeah absolutely" i say.
"Cool, noon?"
"Perfect," I smile.
"Wait, I think you need to recreate one of my photos then!" I say.
"Which one?" He asks.
"I'll send it to you" i grin. I pick up my phone and open instagram. Scrolling down my page to find the picture I'm looking for. I send the post to Corpse.
The photo is a mirror selfie of a hoodie i embroidered "no curves, just gravel" on, my face is cropped out and my signature necklace and rings are visible plus diehard fans would recognize that only the nails on my left hand are painted. It's the perfect one for him to recreate, it's the picture that everyone knows is me even though you can't see my face.

"Is that hoodie even going to fit me?" Corpse asks, looking intently at the photo.
"It's a large," i say.
"Okay it's definitely not going to look that big on me."
"I know" i beam, "that's the point!"
"You're an absolute menace" he laughs.
"Do you want to watch something else now?" I ask.
"Yeah, have you chosen?"
"Indeed I have. We're watching 'Please like me'"
"Never heard of it," he says, "but i trust your judgement."
"Good," i smile, "i love this show, i wish they'd renew it for another season"
"You really like repetition don't you."
"Yeah, I like knowing what's going to happen." I say.
"That's fair, now be quiet, I'm going to enjoy this show" he smiles.

——time skip to the next day——

"Corpse open the fucking door" i almost yell, he didn't answer after 2 attempts at knocking so I've resorted to yelling. There's shuffling inside.
"Chill, I'm coming" his muffled voice calls from inside. I lean against the wall next to the door and wait. I hear the lock click and the door swings open.
"I brought everything" i beam, pushing past Corpse and into the apartment, putting my bag on the counter and turning back to face him.
He closes the door and turns to look at me.
"It's too early for this level of enthusiasm," i says, very low energy.
"Well, chug an energy drink and get on my level because today is going to be a good day!"
"Why?" He asks.
"It just is!"
"Okay, okay. Today is going to be a good day" he smiles.
"Thank you! Now let's get started. Do you have all the accessories you're wearing in the picture?"
"Uh yeah. I think I can find them all, I'm wearing the rings now," he says.

I grab his right hand and gently pull it towards me to look at his rings. "Can i try them on?" I ask, looking up at him.
"Yeah, they'll probably be big on you."
I slide one of his rings off and try it on every one of my fingers, it only fits my thumb and it's still slightly too big. I then take the other ring and do the same thing, this one doesn't fit any of my fingers. "Jesus christ Corpse. What size are these?" I laugh, shaking my hands to show how big they are on me.
"I think that one's 10,5" he says, taking my hand and pointing to the one ring, "and this one's 11," he says as he points to the ring that doesn't remotely fit me.
"Oh there's no way you're fitting into my rings" i laugh.
"Uh oh," he laughs, "what size are they?"
"The biggest is 9,5!"
"Yeah there's no way" he laughs, still holding my hand gently and spinning the too big rings.
"We'll figure it out, you have to wear them."

"Do you want to recreate my photo first?" Corpse asks, letting go of my hand.
"Yeah, let's go"



Many hours of Corpse x Styx interaction to come :D

Now remember to vote and comment, I'd love some input on where you'd like the story to go. Gotta keep the people happy lmao.

Today is going to be a good day so make it your good day


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