[part 7] can you do me a favor?

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Corpse and i have been texting everyday for weeks now. we sit in discord calls for hours, often not even speaking, just working in each others company. i usually have my camera on during our calls, he says it makes it feel like i'm in the room with him and helps him focus. i'm not sure how that logic works but i will never skip out on an opportunity to potentially get a compliment from the corpse husband.

recently we've started watching movies on discord together. around 11pm we'll pick a movie (after much debate) and then we'll just watch it together, sometimes giving commentary. i often fall asleep but he has never complained, he pauses the movie so i don't miss anything but he'll stay in the call until my laptops battery dies and i drop out the call. i have a feeling he stays so he can look at me, i always have my camera on and he has said i look very peaceful in my sleep. i think if anyone else told me that i'd be slightly creeped out but coming from corpse it felt sweet.

he doesn't sleep much though. he told me his gerd and fibromyalgia cause him too much pain, which i sort of understand as a fellow human with chronic pain but i definitely don't have issues to the degree he has. sometimes he can't speak because of his pain, i wish i could take it all away from him. he doesn't deserve to be in pain for any reason. he's such a sweet human who cares for everyone he knows, he simply doesn't deserve the cards he has been dealt and i wish i could help.

Corpse: can i ask you a big favor?

maybe i can help

Styx: of course! what's up?

Corpse: i can't drive at the
moment and i need to get my
meds or i'll get worse

Styx: how can i help?

i think i know where this is going

Corpse: could you maybe pick
them up for me? if not then don't
worry but i know you live nearby
and i trust you the most

Styx: of course i can! can you send
the addresses please? i'll go asap

Corpse: thank you. you're
literally a life saver

Okay. i'm panicking. i have to go to corpses apartment, when i haven't even seen his face yet, and basically take care of him. what the actual fuck is happening. 2 months ago he didn't even know i existed and now he trusts me enough to not only know his address but to also fetch his meds for him? this feels like a fairytale. a sick and twisted 21st century fairy tale.

he sends me the address of his usual pharmacy, his apartment and all the information i'll need to be able to get his meds for him. i don't even think about what i look like before i'm grabbing my car keys and storming out the door, not even bothering to tell Ethan where i'm going.

Styx: can i get you anything
else on the way?

Corpse: you don't have to
you're already doing more
than i expect from you

Styx: don't give me that bullshit.
tell me how i can help you

Corpse: okay, herbal tea
and bananas

Styx: consider it done

i start up my car, set my gps and head towards his pharmacy. i'm nervous i'm going to have to do a bunch of extra shit to get his meds because i'm not him (obviously) and i don't have his last name (again, obviously) but i'm willing to scream and shout if i have to. i feel so frantic, like i need to be driving faster to get to him sooner. every red light feel like it lasts an eternity and only makes me more frantic. i take a few deep breaths as i turn into the pharmacy parking lot, telling myself to calm down. it doesn't work.

once i've parked i throw open my car door, snatching up my wallet, phone and keys and shut the door harder than i needed to. speed walking to the pharmacy gets me a few odd glances but i don't even notice it. i slow my pace once inside the store, trying not to attract attention. once in line at the prescription pick up desk i check my phone again, no new messages.

Styx: you still okay?

Corpse: alive

that's all i need to know. i don't know intimate details about his health but i've seen and heard how harsh is can be on him. the one story about him having to crawl to the door to get food was enough to tell that when it's bad, it's really bad.

"next customer please"
i step forward, "hi, hello. uh, i need to pick up a repeat prescription for [insert corpses full name], it's kind of urgent."
the lady behind the desk looks at me weird but soon starts typing. she could not be moving any slower.
"what's your relation to mr [corpses last name]?" she asks. fair question.
"i'm his friend. he can't drive at the moment so he asked me to help him out" i over elaborate, hoping i don't seem like a drug seeker.

after an eternity of waiting i'm finally handed his meds, i pay and leave promptly. i walk next door to the small organic grocery store i noticed earlier, i search the isles for the herbal tea and bananas, eventually finding both. i hadn't thought of it earlier but it was almost funny how he had asked for such serious things and then a bunch of bananas, it made me chuckle. i pay and head to my car, still walking faster than the average person.

now to head to his place. this was the scary part. what if i knock on the wrong door? or he thinks i look gross? oh god i look a mess. my hair is unruly and my outfit could be considered a fashion crime but it's too late to fix either of those things. i'm sure he looks a mess too, he probably won't care.
oh my god... his face! i'm going to see his face and it's not entirely on his terms. i feel awful.
he told me he wanted to show me his face when he was ready, i don't think this is what he had in mind. i'll make my visit quick, try not to look at him too closely. i don't want to make him uncomfortable.

my gps tells me to turn right into the apartment complex. the building is short, probably 4 stories, but relatively fancy looking. i find a guest parking spot, park, turn off the car and take a deep breath. i grab the bags, my phone and keys but i don't move.

this could be really awkward.

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