[part 11] hasty retreat

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After many minutes of scrolling replies to the photo Corpse and I have now migrated to the kitchen where I'm washing his mountain of dishes. He's sitting on the counter next to me drying dishes as i finish washing them. We're talking about music, or I'm info dumping about music and he's listening and occasionally giving input. It all feels very domestic and I love it. It doesn't at all feel like i rushed here this morning in a panic, as an anxious ball of stress and anxiety about the entire situation. I don't feel uncomfortable or like I'm invading in his apartment now. It's almost weird how quickly I got so comfortable.

"Okay, that's the last one. I'll start packing them away right after I wash my hands" i say, draining the sink and wiping down the area.
Corpse just nods, continuing to dry the plate in his hands. I have yet to discover where half the things in this kitchen are so this could be interesting.
"You'll have to give me directions though, i don't know where everything goes" i laugh. He laughs with me, "I'll help, don't worry."
He dries off the last glass and slides off the counter, turning to face the piles he's made. He's stacked each thing according to how they'll be packed away. Plates and bowls are stacked, spoons, forks and knives are put in neat little piles all facing the same direction and the glasses and mugs are grouped according to their size.
"I had no idea you were so organized about this." I say, the statement almost sounding like a question.
"I'm trying to impress you" he smirks, being obviously sarcastic, "despite everything being dirty I do actually like order."

We start packing everything away. I start with things I know where to put, starting with glasses then moving onto mugs and doing cutlery last. Corpse is slowly moving a few plates at a time to the shelf they belong on. I grab a few and start helping him. We work in silence for a while, only the clinking of plates and bowls breaking the silence.
We develop a system where we are constantly doing opposite tasks, Corpse is placing crockery while i fetch more. This system works for a while, until Corpse bumps into my back almost causing me to drop the plates in my hands. As he sees the plates almost fall he reaches around me to support them, this causes him to almost be hugging me from behind. I blush hard.
"Sorry" he says, slowly releasing me and returning to the task at hand. I try hard to contain my blush but my heart is racing slightly.

Once all the dishes have been washed and put back we stand awkwardly in the kitchen, not making eye contact. "Uh well i should probably go home," i say, breaking the long silence.
"Oh... yeah," he says, obviously hesitant.
"Are you okay?" I ask, noticing his expression.
"Yeah," he says, "I'm sure Ethan is waiting for you" he forces a smile.
"Yeah, he's probably wondering what's happened." I say, "are you gonna be okay? Do you need anything?"
"I'm good. Thank you by the way, for everything" this time I get a genuine smile.
"Of course. I'm happy to help anytime. So don't hesitate to ask me for anything, okay?" I say, grabbing his hands to make him look me in the eye.
He smiles genuinely now, "I'll call if I need anything but you do the same" he says, gently rubbing the top of my hands with his thumbs. I nod, letting go of his hands and going to collect my things from the living room. He follows quietly.

"Text me later, yeah?" I say. He smiles and nods, "I will."
I open the front door, give him a little wave and close it behind me.

~~~~~~small time skip~~~~~~

"You were at his house for like 6 hours, what the fuck happened?" Ethan questioned as soon as i opened the door to our apartment.
"We watched a movie and i helped him clean a little" I explain, not paying full attention to the conversation.
"And that picture? Man-blanket? What was that?"
"His legs hurt so I let him put them on my lap so they could be straight"
"Girl you sat there for 45 minutes with that man's legs all across your lap? You don't even let me do that!" Ethan borderline yells.
"Okay okay, calm down. I don't know why man, it just felt right, it didn't stress me out or make me uncomfortable"
"You are head over heels" he grins.
"Maybe I am" i grin back, "okay let me tell you everything" i say sitting down across from Ethan.
He sits up excitedly, ready to hear everything.

I tell him about us sharing a blanket, Corpse falling asleep, his room and how he bumped into me in the kitchen. The little ritual of ours where we tell each other everything about dates makes me think more about what I want from the person, this time it makes me realize I might seriously want to be more than friends with Corpse but I need more time to figure it out. Ethan agrees but encourages me to be forward with Corpse and talk to him about these feelings.
"Not happening" i say "I don't even know if he likes me back!"
"Girl he fell asleep on you! He obviously likes you!"
"You're no help" i laugh.
"Fine I'll talk to him myself. Then you can know for sure"
"You're a meddler" i tease.
"You need me to meddle"
"True," we laugh.

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