Chapter 43: Hangang Bridge

Start from the beginning

A lot stronger than those bigger land.

The family of the North will finally rule over the Kingdom. And turn it into a Republic that is much stronger than any other Kings!

And as the army open the door, his heart is beating fast and loud, he is thrilled for what comes next as the rebellion arises without anyone knowing it. It will be as silent as the air, that the whole country will be in horror the next day they woke up.

They will see no heir, and no Queen to bear children to a childish King, and soon after that a war will break in this very country and he will be the first ever President of the Republic of Korea.

Slowly as it opens the door, they are welcomed by the warm light of fire torch, the smell of candles that illuminates the whole throne room as if time reserved and they arrived in ancient era.

And there, at the throne,

was a woman wearing a golden hanbok, her hair is pinned with extension, accessorized with all the gems of her insignia as Regent in the state of war.

Their eyes feasted on a beautiful sight of a reigning Queen Regent, sitting so gallantly reading to an important scroll that only sovereign can hold for an official proclamation, while waiting for them to arrive.

Lisa lift up her gaze, staring at their dumbfounded reaction while she hold on to the Seal of the King, and a loud stamped echoed inside the throne room as she sealed the scroll even without the approval of the King.

"You look like you've seen a ghost,"

Lisa took a peek before looking back at the scroll, "What do the aristocratic faction need at this late at night?"

General Han composed himself as he slowly walks toward the front of the coup, they didn't anticipated her to know their rebellion! Did she allow them to enter without much force, who in their people spilled and turn back on them?!

"What is a Queen the job of the King this late?" "You should be tending to the heir, not tampering an important scroll," That didn't go like a question but a statement.

General Han thinks a Queen is nothing without her King, she cannot do anything when they slit her throat and put an end on her life in this very moment, she's just making their job easier.

"Well, as you are well aware my husband.. The King, is in Busan fighting silently for our country," "Which means while he is away from the Palace, I, as his Regent have the right to seal a scroll," Lisa look at him while stamping another seal on the bottom right corner of the scroll that indicates it is verdict right at that moment.

General Han smirked as he nodded his head, he despises this pest of a woman, a sore eyes who poisoned the mind of the court, The King, and his Kingdom! A commoner, unfit for a role of a Regent, an undignified woman touch by multiple men now being glorified as a goddess and the most intelligent Queen in the History of Korea?!

People have gone mad!

"Is that all you came here then?.. Queen Regent?" General Han sarcastically asked, almost throwing up at the title unfit for a commoner.

"What else should I be doing in the throne room if it is not sealing an important announcement or vindication?" Lisa asked him back, throwing back a smirk on her lips.

"You should be the least person who should be asking this General Han," Lisa raise him a brow, "Aren't you leader of the aristocratic faction?"

"Ha! Hahahaha!" General Han sarcastically laugh while the speechless coup, Major Noh and Lieutenant Jeong laughed as well.


Lisa joined in the sarcastic laughter, and even after they stopped, she continued to laugh making everyone angry and ready to strike the lone Queen.

"Do you think we have time with your alibis, Queen Regent?" General Han asked, annoyed.

"And do you think I have time with all your nonsense?" Lisa laughed.

"You barge into the Palace without my consent, opening this very sacred room with a bunch of armed forces while I am defenseless, and working for the whole country,"

Lisa stood up on the throne and glared her eyes back at them,

"You are here in the middle of the night infiltrating my home as if it is yours," "While my husband, the King is fighting and sacrificing for the sake of our nation!"

"When he could be here sealing the scroll by himself," Lisa smirked.

All of them hold onto their guns as they watch the Queen raise them a brow one by one, eyeing each and everyone inside that throne room before giving them a smile as if it was nothing to her.

And she already knew from the very start about the rebellion, so they have to end her right here, right now, before the Palace exploded into a war.

"Then you leave me no choic—

"You don't have a choice, you want me dead that's why you're here," Lisa shook her head, cutting off his words, while she took the scroll.

"Do you know what this scroll says?" Lisa asked him in brief, before reading it out loud, their guns hold up and pointed at her.

"On this day of 16th of July, Gyeongbokgung Palace has announced the execution of General Han, Lieutenant Jeong, Major Noh, and all the names involve with this rebellion, kill them on sight or put them into an endless pain of electrocution for the whole nation witness,"

"And all their possession shall be owned by the royal family—

"HOW DARE YOU!!!" General Han lifted his arms as they loaded their guns and for the worst.

"— it is vindicated and approved by the commander in chief.. His Majesty—


"Approved by His Majesty, The King!" "King Jungkook of Korea," Lisa said out loud, that it echoes throughout the entire throne room.

And before they pull the trigger, a bang of doors, a loud stomping of boots, and the noise of armors came inside. In a matter of second the throne room was field with special forces in all fields, the sound the gun rampantly slaughtered at the armed securities they brought, trapping them in their own doom.

A few of them survived, but most of the securities are lying in the pool of blood. Leaving only few and their leaders.

And as they hold their hands up for surrender, a man in his military uniform went out of the Queen's seat where Queens and Regent supervise the court.

And there he is, the highest man of Korea. The Golden King that his people have been speaking glory throughout the world.

King Jungkook showed himself face to face, as he walks out behind the walls of the throne with a stoic face, but his inside is boiling with anger.

"Yo-Your Maje-jesty, The King,"

Author's Note:
Supposedly Jungkook was the one sitting on the throne instead of Lisa but after everything they did to her, I think it's a good scene that she appeared in hanbok to let them know her utmost relevance.

Anyway, the last chapters will be uploaded by Thursday (Chapter 44) until Sunday (Epilogue), 9pm PH time.

The end is so near y'all.

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