Their birth

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The two couples had become very close with each other, they basically did everything together. These two couples were the future of there kingdom and everything would soon be passed down to the kids they have. Mitsuki and Masaru would have a child that would continue to rule over the dragon kingdom while Akio and Akane would have a child that could protect the heir to the throne, but if they had babies of oppisite gender they would be married once they get older. The two couples were very excited and had already begun to make plans for the babies, they didn't know if they would be pregnant but they wanted to be ready for anything. A couple weeks went by and the two couples got busy hoping for a baby, they even started making a list of baby names. Weeks turned into months, everyone was excited hoping for a male heir so he could be king of the dragons. Akane and Mitsuki had decided to get checked by royal doctor, the doctor had comfirmed that Mitsuki was pregnant but sadly Akane was not.....of course Akane was very upset, infact she was depresed for a while. Mitsuki felt bad that her best friend wasnt having a baby, but this was just once so it was possible that she could still have kids. Then again it was also a possibility that she couldn't...Mitsuki didn't want to focus on the negative so she did all kinds of stuff to try and cheer up her bestie. Akane hadn't lefther room in days, she hadn't even eaten! Akio never left her side trying to make her smile.

"sweet heart...come on don't be too sad we can keep trying. so it will all be just fine alright darlin?"

Akio laid in bed holding Akane close to him

"no no I get that but I wanted to have a baby at the same time Mitsuki would have her baby, I guess it's pretty dumb but you know very well that for our ind that if it doesn't happen the first tie it is very unlikely for us to have any other...we should ty again hon, I want us to still have a baby! I want our babies to grow up together!"

Akio and Akane did keep trying, of course it seemed like it was taking longer. A couple more months had gone by and Mitsuki was finally giving birth. No one was more excited and nervous then Masaru. Masaru simply couldn't wait to meet his new baby, but of course he wasnt in the room with Mitsuki. Akane helped Mitsuik give birth along with a couple servants, Akio stayed outside with Masaru. Imagine two men who have seen and lived through war but can't seem to handle child birth. A couple hours went by and Mitsuki had finally given birth to a beautiful baby boy! The servents left the room and quickly began to spread the word. Mitsuki stayed in bed holding her beautiful healthy baby boy, Akane left the room giving the blood covered towels to the servants and hugging Akio and telling Masaru he could go in and see his wife long with his new born son. Akane ran to the balcony where every dragon in the kingdom stood waiting for any news of the new baby. Akane stood in front of everyone as she then announced

"The Queen has given birth to a KING"

The entire kingdom roared in excitement knowing that they now had a new future king. Filled with excitment everyone continued to cheer for the birth of a new STRONG generation, filled with joy some even turned into dragons shooting flames from their mouth. Akane ran back into the castle heading straight for her best friends room to see how she isw holding up, she quietly knocked on the door seeing Mitsuki sleep with her arms wrapped around her new baby. Masaru was laying in bed next to her with his arms wrapped around Mitsuki, Akio and his wife looked down at the two of them sweetly, placing warm blankets over them. They ordered several gaurds at there door and windows along with a few maids so that they could quickly assist them once they woke up.

"Honey I need you to stay here and keepa very close eye on them ok? We simply can't take any risks with there safety along with the new baby, that baby is the very future of this kingdom and we simply can't risk the life of the first baby this place has. I'll be back in couple hours I need to start planning the party for this new precious gem. We can take shifts that way you can also help with the celebration"

Akane kissed Akio deeply before leaving the room and heading down to the dinning room. Akane had a big celebration prepared for the new king, this kept going for a couple day. When Mitsuki got better they quickly began the party for her son, everyone worshipped and celebrated their new king. On the very last day of the party Queen Mitsuki and King Masaru announced their baby boys name. From that day on the entire dragon kingdom would worship the new prince of the land, Katsuki Bakugo. Of course the news spread all across the land meaning the demons, humans and cat people new that a new royal dragon was born. Time quickly flew by as the young prince grew older. In this time Akane had finally become pregnant with Akio's baby, Mitsuki stayed with Akane her entire pregnancy. When the day finally arrived Mitsuki never left Akane's side, she herself delivered the baby but didn't allow Akio in to see the birth even though he actually wanted to be there for the first moments of his babies life. Baby Bakugo was asleep in his dads arms while they waited for the news of the new baby. Akio was very desperate to enter the room, he had finally cracked and broke into the room seeing Mitsuki holding a beautiful baby. He ran towards Mitsuki with tears in his eyes seeing the new light of his life, panting heavily Akane looked around the room seeing her husband holding a baby. She smiled weakly lifting her arms wanting to see her child.

"Akane congrats!! You have a beautiful new baby girl! She has such a beautiful wings, and an adorable little tail!!"

Mitsuki was just as excited about Akane's as she was of her own. She quietly left the room giving Akio and Akane some time alone with their new baby girl. Akio and Akane discussed a name for the new baby, they had bothe finally settled for the name Victoria. baby victoria had her Mothers wings and tail while she had her fathers scales.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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